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Apoorva Chandeshwar - 25 - Indian
Was born unique as she has superpowers. It does sounds crazy but she does. She was excluded from her family because of that and a poor couple adopted her after. She has very few friends and they are her closest friends and they know about her little 'secret' and haven't told anyone about that. She is now a part-timer.

Her superpowers- Telepathy- if she wants to think alike with someone then she can choose someone, but she can't use it for her entire lifetime once she does.

Microphicis- She can mimic anyone's voice she has heard in her ongoing life

Nature- This is her main power if it's wrongly used then it can destroy any world she's in. She can control and produce the greenery in any planet.


Rohan Nagarchi - 28 - Indian
He was also born in an unique state as he has superpowers too. At the age of 6 he was given to the orphanage as his parents found out about his powers and were scared of him. He has just one friend since then as the others in the orphanage were scared of him. He is now a successful business man and now no-one in the world knows about his 'abnormal' thing as the one who knew were silenced by money.

His superpowers- Telekinesis- He can touch anything/anyone without actually touching them.

Futureic- He can see what's gonna happen in the future in advance but it only works when when it's urgent.

Wind- This is his main power if it's wrongly used then it can destroy any world he's in. He can control/produce wind/air in any planet.


Lee Lavanya - 25 - Korean
She is Indian actually but 'somehow' she was in a corner of an alley in Daegu South Korea, and a pair of couple adopted her after and now she is South korean. Well, it was also same situation her too. She has very few friends, but no-one knows about her 'abnormal' thing as she doesn't trust them completely. And now she has a part-time job.

Her superpowers- Lintenis- She can speak any language.

Sytheric- Can make a fake world and show it to whoever she wants. She's the 'God' of that world.

Thunder- This is her main power if it's wrongly used then it can destroy any world she's in. She can control and produce the lightning/electricity in any planet.


Kim Varun - 27 - Korean
He is originally Korean but his parents wanted him to have a Indian name. He also has 'non-human' powers. Well unlike others, he wasn't 'excluded' from his family as hi is the only child of his parents. He is a successful CEO. Fortunately, he isn't spoiled like the other only child of their parents.

His superpowers- Teleportation- He can teleportation himself/anyone/anything to where ever he wants.

Mythenicticis- Can drain anyone's energy by holding them but when he wants to.

Dark EnergyThis is his main power if it's wrongly used then it can destroy any world he's in. He can produce/control the dark energy in any planet.


Cheng Arpita - 25 - Chinese
Originally is an Indian but 'somehow' was in someone else's baby carrier at a hospital in Shanghai China. And so like the others, she also was born with the same condition beside this was still in her family as she was able to hide it from her family and everyone around. Unlike the other girls she was a Doctor.

Her superpowers- Mime- She can copy anyone's powers and transfer it to someone but herself.

Carthonic- She can control anyone's words without their knowing, sometimes.

Water- This is her main power if it's wrongly used then it can destroy any world she's in. She can control and produce the water in any planet.


Xu Jayesh - 25 - Chinese
Originally an Indian but 'somehow' was spotted in China and a family adopted him after. He is also in the family as they haven't found out about his 'abnormal' powers. He is a well-known model and is filthy rich. Is a walking rain-forest. 

His superpowers- Super-strength- The strongest being in the planet he's living in.

Mind Manipulation- Can play with anyone's mind.

Sand- This is his main power if it's wrongly used then it can destroy any world he's in.Can control/produce sand in any planet.


Meguro Rajvee - 25 - Japanese
Was born in India but 'mysteriously' was found in Japan. Like the others she is also 'abnormal' as she has 'non-human' powers. She was raised by a old woman and now she is also a part-timer like the other girls. The old woman who raised her is still alive but is sick and have a very little time left in the planet she's living in.

Her superpowers- X-ray- She can see through anything.........ANYTHING.

Invisibility- She can become transparent and make others transparent with her too.

Fire- This is her main power if it's wrongly used then it can destroy any world she's in. She can produce/control fire in any planet.


Itadori Lakshit - 25 - Japanese
Born in India, but 'unknowingly' was found in found Tokyo Japan. Is an independent man as the family adopted him, abandoned him after 8yrs as they got to know about his powers but didn't told that to anyone. Now is a Japanese actor.

His superpowers- Bynosis- Knows Every question if asked

Zinitic- Can turn into any species living on any planet.

Smoke-  This is his main power if it's wrongly used then it can destroy any world he's in. Can control/produce poisonous smoke in any planet.


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