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Since her clothes were ruined and not deemed 'poor enough,' they gave Venna new clothes to wear.me boots that already began blistering her feet. Venna shuffled uncomfortably in her new outfit, pinching at it as if it didn't belong to her. And compared to the blouses and dresses she was used to wearing, it didn't.

The three marauders brought Venna to the square. Despite reading about it multiple times, Venna had never been to Bournecentral before. Said to be a day's ride from Salarosst Central, Bournecentral was a multicultural hub, attracting travellers and immigrants who sought employment opportunities. If you couldn't find a place in Melune, Bournecentral was your second-best option.

So far away from... Venna's mind trailed off as she stopped herself from saying 'home,' realising it wasn't hers anymore. She was still getting used to the reality. Home was no longer her family keep in Melune. Somewhere out there, a place remained undiscovered by her.

The square hummed despite the oncoming evening, shop fronts rippling with movement as people occupied the area. The summer heat softened a little, but that didn't stop sweat and body odour from developing amongst the masses. Food carts had closed for the day, while taverns began awakening from their diurnal slumber. Church heralds receded as they climbed down from their small wooden platforms and returned to the church that loomed from the square's centre. Squeezing herself past people, Venna saw amongst the crowd a small group of stern-faced men who forced themselves past people.

Lustbell Rebels, Venna thought, the sight of the men making her feel anxious. She had become familiar with the group, as they had grown in number in recent years. Venna would hear stories of failed attempted assassinations on the nobility and the Queen, along with their failed attempts to incite riots, all resulting in public executions. She watched the men walk across their path, concealing herself behind Julina, who led the way, with Keyon and Aaelett moving beside her. Unlike the people Venna saw, Julina carried on as if they weren't even there, Keyon and Aaelett following suit as they urged her forward. They circled around the church, passing its wide steps that formed a semi-circle in front of it before moving down one of the side streets that stemmed off the square as mud-like needles. Venna kept her head low, her eyes only going skyward when necessary. She took slow deep breaths as she tried to keep her head uncluttered with all the busy movement and buzzing noises. She always hated crowds, always felt suffocated by them. Anything that involved putting her in the sight of many made her skin crawl, and her anxiety inflate. It was preferable to travel without injuries, fatigue, and hunger.

How am I still awake? Venna thought, her stomach grumbling. Nearing the bottom of the street, they stopped in front of a tavern that's a flight of crooked wooden stairs accessed by entrance. Above the stairs, Venna saw the tavern's wooden, circular sign dangling by a singular chain. A roughly drawn silhouette of a person kneeling and praying sat under the establishment's name: The Priest's Confession.

Julina turned to Aaelett just as she nudged the tavern door open. "Wait with 'er 'ere. We won't be long."

Aaelett nodded, and remained by the bottom lip of the stairs, blocking the street out of Venna's sight. She watched Keyon and Julina enter, and a burst of conversations alongside a waft of tobacco pipe smoke slapped her in the face before the two marauders had shut the door behind them. She kept her gaze fixed on the floor, avoiding any eye contact with Aaelett. Her head still down, she tried aiming her vision to pass Aaelett to the street.

If I can sneak pass him, I might be able to seek help, Her eyes scanned her surroundings, noticing a narrow gap between the tavern and the adjacent building. It's not too high to jump down, but I can't risk getting hurt again. This is just impossible! Her thoughts halted as Julina and Keyon stepped out of the tavern. Pox, too late!

Starblighted: Book 01 of the Shattered Six ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now