Helmeppo x F!Reader

274 5 9

Relay with flu


Suggestion by:



Y/n's POV:

Helmeppo swaggered through the marine base, his shoulders back and his chin held high, the very picture of arrogance. He was the son of Captain Morgan, after all, and he made sure everyone knew it. With a sneer permanently etched on his face, he strutted around like he owned the place, which, in his mind, he did.

"Y/n, you useless piece of shit, hurry up with that cleaning!" Helmeppo barked, his voice dripping with disdain as he glared at the young recruit.

I sighed inwardly, suppressing the urge to roll my eyes as I scrambled to obey his orders. Helmeppo was a real piece of work, no doubt about it. But for some stupid reason, I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest whenever he was around. Maybe it was his cocky attitude or his piercing gaze that set my heart racing. Or maybe I just had a thing for assholes. Who knows?

As I scrubbed the floors with renewed vigor, I stole a glance at Helmeppo, who was busy berating another recruit for not polishing his boots properly. He was tall, with messy blonde hair that seemed to defy gravity, and piercing blue eyes that could cut through steel. Despite his obnoxious behavior, there was something undeniably attractive about him, something that drew me in like a moth to a flame.

"You call this clean, you imbecile?" Helmeppo snarled, kicking a stray mop bucket across the floor with unnecessary force.

I clenched my jaw, fighting the urge to tell him where he could shove his mop bucket. Instead, I bit my tongue and focused on my work, determined to prove him wrong.

But as much as I tried to ignore him, I couldn't shake the feeling of his eyes burning into the back of my skull, his presence looming over me like a dark cloud. And with each passing moment, my crush on him only seemed to grow stronger, much to my dismay.

"Just ignore him, Y/n," one of my fellow recruits whispered as she passed by, shooting me a sympathetic look. "He's not worth your time."

I nodded, forcing a smile onto my face as I continued to scrub the floors, trying my best to block out Helmeppo's incessant taunts. But deep down, I knew she was right. Helmeppo was nothing but trouble, a walking disaster waiting to happen. And yet, try as I might, I couldn't seem to stay away from him.


After a grueling day of scrubbing floors and enduring Helmeppo's relentless insults, I trudged back to the dormitory, my muscles aching and my eyelids heavy with exhaustion. Without even bothering to change out of my uniform, I collapsed onto my bunk, my body craving nothing more than a few hours of blessed sleep.

Helmeppo's POV:

I was seething with anger as I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already 7:20, and there was still no sign of Y/n. She was five minutes late, and that was five minutes too many in my book. With a frustrated growl, I stormed towards the dormitory, my footsteps echoing loudly in the empty corridor.

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