|Chapter 32|

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Nina sets a plate of egg and bread toast with a glass of orange juice in front of me. I take a few bites until my teeth colides with what seems to be a small piece of an eggshell.

I immediately spit it back onto the plate. "Seriously? Can't you be more careful while you cook?"

"Sorry," she replies, and begins to clear off the table.

What in the world is wrong with her today? I do notice for the past couple of days she's been looking all wan and melancholy.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"What? Like you care?" she replies sarcastically.

"You know what you're right. I don't care!" I rise to my feet, picking up my briefcase and head out of the house.


Returning home after a long stressful day at work get me famished. I walk into the house to find it half-dark. I switch on the lights while I pull out my necktie. My stomach rumbles, and I look over to the dinning table for my dinner. Nothing has been set. What the? I walk into the kitchen and scan around. Nothing as well.

"Nina," I call out. I climb the stairs and head towards her room. "Nina." I stand behind her door. No response. Is she asleep? I call out again. Still silence. "I'm coming in." I push the door open. She isn't in her bed. Can she be in the shower? However no sound of running water.
Where could she be? I return to the living room and call on Alec through the intercom.

"Yes, Mr. McLean," he answers.

"Have you seen Nina today?" I inquire.

"Yes. She uh, she left this afternoon."

I frown. "What do you mean she left? Where did she go?"

"I saw her leave with her stuffs."


"I thought you knew, sir. I thought you fired her again or something."

"Did she tell you where she was going?"

"No, sir. She didn't say a single word to me."

I walk back to her room. I open the closet and I find her clothes gone. Alec was right. Nina did left the house.

I take a quick shower and order myself some noodles. I settle down in the living room scrolling through my phone while I wait for my order. A few minutes on, Tenzin arrives with my food. He sets the plastic bag onto the table and flops down on the couch opposite of me. I had informed him earlier on the phone about Nina leaving the house.

"Did you fire her again?" he asks.

"No," I answer.

"Well did you upset her?"

I look up at him from my phone. "No. We didn't argue before I left for work."

"You must have done something to upset her. I mean why else would she leave."

"Seriously, I didn't do or say anything to upset her okay? She served me breakfast and I ate it."

"And you didn't give her any bad compliments on the food she prepared?"

"Come on dude!"

"I'm sorry Damian but I don't see why she'd just pack her stuffs and leave if you hadn't offended her. I know you too well bro."

I shrug as I continue to scroll through my phone.

"Have you tried calling her?"


"Wait! You haven't called her and find out why she left?" He sounds surprised.

"Why should I? She left on her own. I didn't fire her or sent her packing."

"Wow, Damian!"


"Trash out your ego and call her right now."

"I'm not going to call her, Tenzin. She'll get this crazy idea that I'm trying to beg her to return which would ruin my image by the way."

"Bro! Come on don't be like that. You have to call her."

I sigh, and begin to scroll through my contacts. I find and dial Nina's phone number.  It ring twice before the line is disconnected.

"Okay, she doesn't wanna pick my call," I state.

"Try again," Tenzin tells me.

"I'm not going to try again. It's obvious she doesn't wanna talk."

"Come on Damian just try again."

I redial the number and it ring once this time before the disconnection.

"Hold on, let me try." Tenzin does the same and I guess he also didn't get a better luck.

"What?" I ask him.

"It went straight to voicemail," he says.

"Oh well," I state, and begin to unwrap the food I ordered.

"Do you by chance know where she lives?"

I nearly choke on my noodles. "Whoa! Bro I don't. Even if I do, I won't step a foot on her doorstep. Wait, why are you so desperate to get her back? Do you . . . like her?"

"I'm just concerned about her, it has nothing to do with me liking her. Nina's a nice, lovely girl though."

I snort. "I wouldn't say nice. She's pretty far from being nice."

"But you admit that she's lovely?" I see Tenzin smirking at me.

"Whatever you're thinking, stop! Aright? And what do you mean you're concerned about her? Did she tell you about where and who she stays with?"

I have to know. Between the two of us, I'm the only person who knows Nina was kicked out of her apartment. Could she have told Tenzin too? They both seem awfully close.

"No," he answers. "Cooking for you was the only job she ever had. Besides, how is she ever gonna save her father's life if she has no job? Well, according to what she said."

"Probably she's gotten another job," I state, using the chopsticks to pick up the last portion of noodles.

"Aren't you concerned about her at all?" Tenzin asks.

"Not at all. I'm glad she's gone. You don't know how miserable she's made my life."

"I'm sure you don't mean that."

"A hundred percent, bro. I mean every word I say. I don't want her back into my house ever again. She made a right choice by leaving. I thought she wasn't capable of reasoning however I was wrong. I'm finally at peace in my own home."

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