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Ch. 10

3rd person POV

"Alright everyone, wake up, we're heading to the plane now!" Mr. Holland yelled.

"Nico, wake up" Ashton said groaning as he stretched.

Nico grumbled but agreed and followed him out the bus. Outside there were many other buses and the airport was right in front of them.

"Let me make sure everyone is here then we'll head on inside" Mr. Holland said.

Duo by duo he took the role and after 10 minutes he finished.

"Okay let's go!" he said leading the large mass of students to the airport.

Nico followed Ashton in and stayed close by his side like a lost dog.

"Nico, do you want to go get food before we board? I asked Mr. Holland and he let us go, "Ashton asked, setting his bags in the designated area for their class.

Nico nodded and did the same, following him.

"Anything specific you want?" Ashton asked, looking around. There was seafood, barbeque, sushi, etc.

"no" Nico said, looking around at the shops.

Ashton nodded and led both of them to this sushi shop.

"Hello, how can I help you?" the worker asked.

"Can I get the spicy salmon one? And...what do you want Nico?" he asked, looking at him.

"Ramen bowl please" he said quietly pulling his hood up.

"And a ramen bowl," Ashton asked.

"Alright that'll be $20.28 cash or card" the worker asked.

"Card," Ashton said, pulling out his card and swiping it.

"Okay your order number will be #331. Have a good rest of your day" the worker said with a smile.

Ashton nodded and headed over to a table to sit with Nico.

"How much do I owe you?" Nico asked, pulling out his wallet.

"Nothing. My treat, "Ashton said smiling.

"You sure?" he asked.

Ashton nodded and Nico thanked him. After a few minutes their food was ready.

"Order #331!!" one of the workers yelled.

Ashton went up to get the food and headed back to Nico. They both ate together talking about hobbies, family (Nico didn't really talk much about his), what they'll do after high school, etc. turns out they both have more in common than they thought. Nico found out Ashton had a little sister named Ali. Ashton told him about his home life while Nico told him about his work mentioning hazel and Ms. Gomez.

"You know Ali really liked the cake you made," Ashton said suddenly.

"Oh I'm glad," Nico said, smiling.

They continued talking until it was 20 minutes till boarding.

"Ashton lets go, we're gonna be late" Nico said pulling his arm but he was too intrigued by this claw machine.

"Come on one more try!" he said.

"No, you said that last time" Nico said, trying to pull him.

"Ugh, you're no fun" Ashton grumbled whilst playfully rolling his eyes.

Nico started laughing a bit.

"What's so funny?" he grumbled.

"You're acting like a kid." he said, laughing a bit more.

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