Chapter 7: Reunion

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Sim was still sitting on the edge of the tall building, about thirty empty beer bottles surrounding him on the roof. His body was constantly swaying side to side, his eyes rapidly shutting and opening over and over again. Unable to focus.

"So...we both got shitty lives huh?" Sim asked.

"Yeah, we're not as different as you think." Polymon replied.

Sim swallowed hard, as if not liking the thought.

"But you know Italian?" Sim asked, hoping to change the subject.

Polymon began to speak very rapid and fluent Italian as Sim shook his head around, shutting his eyes and rubbing his face.

"I didn't catch any of that but good job." Sim said.

Polymon and Sim laughed together as Sim finished yet another bottle.

The two sat in silence for a bit.

Sim turning to stare up at the night sky, still hard to make out the stars.

"Who was the girl?" Sim asked.

"What?" Polymon asked back.

"The girl you knew back then. Was she somebody important?" Sim asked.

Polymon didn't respond for a few seconds. Then, he sighed.

"Yeah...she was." Polymon finally said, his voice much softer than normal.

Sim smiled and opened up another bottle by smashing the top against the edge of the building. The cap came flying off while the tip of the bottle had a few small pieces break off, leaving it jagged and sharp.

"First love kind of thing?" Sim asked, sipping the bottle which cut his tongue and lips.

"Absolutely." Polymon replied.

Sim kept smiling.

"What happened to her?" Sim asked.

"She lived a rebellious life. Went all over the world to stop governments from colonizing and killing indigenous people." Polymon replied.

"Sounds like a badass." Sim said.

"Yeah, but I just wish I could've spent my living days with her and not trapped in that abusive hell hole of a church." Polymon replied.

"What were you doing there?" Sim asked.

"Forced to live with the nuns and they tried to turn me Christian. Priests abused and used me, nuns hit me for misbehaving. It was worse then Hell." Polymon said.

"Well, it's getting late." Sim said as he tried to stand up.

As Sim stood, the sun was starting to rise from the horizon.

"Ah shit." Sim said as he covered his eyes. He stumbled over his own feet and all of the bottles, falling to the ground and groaning.

"Hey Sim, be careful." Polymon said.

"Yeah, thanks for the advice." Sim replied.

He didn't realize just how drunk he was until he stood up, everything spinning quickly. Nothing able to sit still while Sim had this burning sensation building in his stomach.

"I think I'm going to throw up." Sim said as he rose to his feet again.

Sim went to turn, but tripped on a beer bottle and fell backwards, tumbling back over the edge and falling off the top of the building. Sim was too intoxicated to notice or care, just staring at the ground as he raced down head first and closed his eyes.

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