chap 7

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Sassy Way

Nobody pov-

Charlie look as babe went back to his car he is worried that babe will hurt himself he don't want babe to get in a crash

Jeff saw that Charlie is fidgeting and Jeff sighs and hug Charlie and said " he won't hurt himself Charlie give him some fate ur his future husband u got to trust him Charlie "

Charlie nod and then babe finally finish working and he then kiss Charlie forehead and Charlie smiles widely

Way twirl his hair like a sassy queen and Charlie and Jeff look at way and then at each other and then they chuckle

Way said " I'm a queen yall should bow to me" Hope then appear and said " do u have a crown "

Way roll his eyes and said " of course I do u just can't see it"

Hope sighs and said " ur hopeless sometimes "

Charlie then said " let go to the beach to hang out " everyone nod their head and Charlie had the great idea

At the beach for the day

Charlie was relaxing on the chair trying to get sunburnt joking he wasn't trying to but he put an umbrella under him and he had sunglasses on himself

Just then when babe kiss Charlie lips Charlie kiss back and then babe relax while the others was in the water

Way was being sassy again and he told the others to fix his hair and nails and they sigh and Charlie chuckled and said " Way Is it ur sassy day again "

Way nod and said " I'm feeling sassy today so of course I'm sassy " babe sighs and threw sand at way and way glared at babe while babe glare at way

And Alan then went in the two and said " way ur sassyness is making babe mad and he get scary when he mad"

Charlie sighs and sat up and then kiss babe and babe stop being mad and everyone watched and they ooo at the scene

They love seeing the two being all lovely lovely

Charlie said " if ur calm then after this day vacation I let u claim me again" babe like the sound of claiming Charlie

He smiles and nod and then calm down and he grab charlie to put Charlie head on his shoulder and babe smiles at Charlie and grab his chin and kiss him

And babe said " I love u forever and always Charlie and I will always love u" Charlie smiles and nod and then he lay his head on babe shoulder

It was a perfect day at the beach and Charlie then got up and went to the water and when he swim he went under the water and saw a shark

And his eyes widen and he yelled " theirs a shark here yall"

The others see there was a shark and Jeff said " what are we gonna do nobody here speak shark "

Charlie then look ag hope and hope said " what why are yall looking at me "

Charlie then nod and hope sighs and went to the water and Alan whispered to babe " is she not afraid of the shark"

Babe shrug he didn't know this either plus he wonder who will win and then Charlie went beside him

And they saw who gonna win and it seems hope was speaking shark and the shark smiles and went away and everyone sighs and relief

And babe and Charlie then kiss each other on the lips and then went back to the water and they swim again and had fun and lovely and it was beautiful and good and good sea

Charlie pov-

When we went back home I then took a shower and wash my hair and babe came in the shower

I was surprised but he started washing me and then I washed him and we kiss and we rinse each other and I fell in love with him again

Babe then hug my back from behind me and he kiss my neck and I smiled and after we got dressed babe was reading his book and started reading again

And I smiled and went to him and cuddle him and see what he reading and I smiled at the book because it has pictures of us and I love that he thinking of us

Babe smiles at me and then kiss my lips and then he sat down on the bedside and then we went to sleep and he hug my back and I hold his hand

And then we went to sleep and I smiled and I hope we will be in love forever with each other which I hope we don't fight but we don't know the future

He then kiss the back of my neck and we went to sleep and we stayed like that until morning

Babe pov-

In the morning I see that Charlie is asleep I'm not surprised I then kiss his cheek and then I got dressed and I went to my garage

And I see that the red team damage my car and I clenched my fist

I then see sonic and north and they saw Me piss off and they scoot back and sonic whispered " is babe mad again " North nod

And I then said " The red team piss me off so much and I can't understand why they do this the most I will fix the car"

Jeff went to me and look at the car and said " I can fix it if u like "

I nod and said " u know things about cars " Jeff nod and said " yes I do "

I nod and I let him and I see that Alan is surprised and then I see Charlie and he came and hug me and I kiss his lips and I said " I love u Charlie "

Charlie smiles and cling into me and said " I love u to and I will always love u thank u for always being there for me babe "

I smiled and said " I will always be there for u" we then kiss each other on the lips

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