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Cassandra Alexiou Afendoulis

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Cassandra Alexiou Afendoulis

Main character

Roleplay:first daughter of grand duke Afendoulis.
Magic power: light, darkness, eternity.(Cursed power)

Alexiou Afendoulis

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Alexiou Afendoulis

Main character father.

Roleplay: grand duke Afendoulis.
Magic power: darkness,fire,thunder.

Magic power: darkness,fire,thunder

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Yvette Afendoulis

Main character mother

Roleplay:late grand duchess of Afendoulis.
Magic power: light,wind, water.
(Note:she died at the age of 45)

Cordelia Afendoulis /Afroudakis main character step mother Age:46Roleplay: current grand duchess Magic power:water, earth

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Cordelia Afendoulis /Afroudakis main character step mother
Roleplay: current grand duchess
Magic power:water, earth

Cordelia Afendoulis /Afroudakis main character step mother Age:46Roleplay: current grand duchess Magic power:water, earth

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Aias Alexiou Afendoulis

Main character older brother
Roleplay:first born son of duke Afendoulis/great duke Afendoulis.
Magic power: darkness, fire

Alkaios Alexiou Afendoulis/Afroudakis Main character second older brother

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Alkaios Alexiou Afendoulis/Afroudakis
Main character second older brother.
Roleplay: second born son of duke Afendoulis/current duke Afroudakis
Magic power:fire, earth

Roleplay: second born son of duke Afendoulis/current duke Afroudakis Magic power:fire, earth

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lionnis Alexiou Afendoulis
Main character third older brother
Roleplay: third born son of duke Afendoulis/general of duke Afendoulis
Magic power: water, thunder.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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