Chapter Four

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Cosmos speaking!

So how was that? Aren't bullies just fantastic? Aha, nOPE. Why why why why why would people do that, I can only imagine. And homophobes. Homophobes are even worse than just typical bullies to me. I loathe having to do anything with them, including writing - sweet bejeezus I actually feel like crying when I write about homophobes - and any other activities. I just don't like people who are cruel to others because of who they are. That's the end of it.

Votes are great, and comments are greater! As we've witnessed, when you guys show me you like the story my heart goes WHOOSH into the sky and I love you guys forever and ever because to me you're all on top of the world and when you leave your love it's like a celebrity noticing me. It's absolutely rhapsodic!!!

I need to stop talking sometimes. Anywho, I hope you enjoy, and see you all in a destiny!

~ Cosmos


Friday is almost over. My geography class after lunch was long, but luckily I had Devon in that class. She was fuming, mostly because of what happened at lunch two days ago but partially because I just got up and left them. After she saw my forehead, she was in such a rage she nearly split her textbook. I began to get curious, and she told me she also had a bit of history with the jocks, but the one who dumped my latte on me was new to Centennial. We both share a deep hate for him, as we do the rest of the jocks.

The bell rings finally, and my free period is here. Andrew had forensic sciences while I was in geo, and just to my luck, his class is on the opposite side of the school.

I turn to wave goodbye to Devon who's supposed to be beside me, but instead I see her sprinting off down the hall without a word.

"Devon?" I call, but she flies around the corner and I can't see her anymore. I stare down the hall, a little bit suspicious now. What on earth could she be doing? Going to see Samantha, maybe. Or maybe she's just escaping so she can blow off steam. The times I've had to do that are countless, whether it had been family or school related.

I pass several doors on my way through the halls; all containing kids bored as hell with a teacher talking to really no one because no one really ever listens. Once or twice I spot one of the bullies, and they all catch my eye and give me a girly wave, to which I ignore to the best of my abilities.

Then I hear it.


It came from behind me. It was the bully, the bully. His voice isn't his normal, mean, taunting voice. I can hear the pure rage burst in every word, and the fear spikes me deep.

I sprint off in the other direction, hoping the small stream of people will slow him down. I dart up and down corridors, around corners, trying to stay as far as possible from that side of the school and still head to Andrew at the same time.

I round another corner; all other students have disappeared. I see Andrew standing in front of his classroom. I sigh in relief, and slow down to a fast walk. He spots me, and we share a smile -

Before a pair of hands shoot out from the hall beside me and yank me off my feet.

One hand gripped around my mouth and the other hooked under my arm, the person drags me little ways down the hall before swinging and smashing me into the lockers, this time so hard it leaves a me-sized dent in the metal and my head hurts so much the edges of my vision darken and I literally see flashes of light, as what people would call 'stars'.

"So, how much did you pay 'um?! Can't be your own freakin' bodyguard, you stupid flower?!" The bully screams at me, just inches from my face. Half of his face is smeared black and purple with bruise, and he's got his lip busted in three places and his teeth are outlined with blood, and there's a couple missing.

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