The Finale

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The morning light filters in through the windows, but Natasha hardly notices. She paces back and forth across the room, her movements sharp and erratic. Across from her, Fury stands with his arms crossed, his gaze tracking her with a mixture of concern and patience.

"Natasha," he finally says, his voice firm enough to halt her mid-step. "You need to slow down. Take a breath and tell me what's going on."

Natasha stops, the urgency in her eyes betraying her composed exterior. "I had this nightmare," she begins, her voice breaking slightly. "It was Y/n... she—she died. And it felt so real." She chokes back tears, steeling herself against the emotion threatening to overwhelm her.

Fury nods slowly, his expression softening. "I understand," he says, his voice a steady, calming force. "But it was just a dream, Natasha. Y/n is safe."

Natasha listens, drawing a deep, shuddering breath as she processes his words. The logical part of her knows he's right, but the fear lingers, stubborn and unsettling.

Natasha looks at Fury as he sits back down at his desk, a serious expression settling on his features. "We have to find them," she asserts firmly, the resolve in her tone cutting through the quiet of the office. "I can't sleep until we do."

Fury nods, his eyes meeting hers, reflecting a shared understanding of the stakes. "We'll intensify our investigation," he responds, his tone steady and commanding. "I'll mobilize our best agents and ramp up surveillance on any Red Room-related activities."

Natasha gives a curt nod, her gaze momentarily shifting to the view outside Fury's office window. As she watches the city below, a sudden realization dawns on her—Marina.

Without a moment's hesitation, Natasha strides to Yelena's office, pushing the door open so forcefully it slams against the wall. Inside, Yelena is mid-conversation on the phone, but she quickly assures the caller she'll ring them back.

"You're going to break my door, Natalia," Yelena comments dryly, one eyebrow arched as she waits for her sister to explain the abrupt intrusion.

"I need to speak with her," Natasha states urgently, her voice laden with the weight of their mission. Her intense gaze and the firm set of her jaw leave no room for argument, signaling the gravity of the situation they are about to confront.

Yelena's expression shifts from mild annoyance to concern as she notes the seriousness in Natasha's demeanor. "Marina?" she asks, already piecing together the urgency behind Natasha's visit.

"Yes," Natasha replies, her voice steady but laced with urgency. She steps further into the office, closing the door behind her with a soft click. "I believe she might still have connections or information that could lead us to their current operations. We need her here, now."

Understanding the plan, Yelena nods and swiftly moves to her desk, picking up the phone to summon Marina to her office. "I'll get her here immediately. If there's a lead to be found through her, we'll find it."

Natasha paces a small path by the window, her mind racing with potential questions and scenarios that might unfold. "When she arrives, I want to go over her last assignments in detail," she tells Yelena. "Any mission she's been on could have inadvertently crossed paths with Red Room operatives or activities."

Yelena dials Marina's number, her tone brisk and professional. "Marina, this is Yelena. We need you to come to my office as soon as possible. It's urgent." She listens for a moment, responding with a curt, "Thank you," before hanging up.

Turning back to Natasha, Yelena's expression is all business. "She's on her way. Should be here within minutes."

there's a knock at the door, and Marina enters. She looks slightly bewildered by the urgency of the summons but maintains a composed exterior. Yelena gestures to a chair opposite her desk. "Thank you for coming so quickly, Marina," she says, her voice steady.

Are you Real?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora