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SantaMaria laid in bed, headphones over her ears learning the music for Heathers

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SantaMaria laid in bed, headphones over her ears learning the music for Heathers. She had to recite the entire thing to Homelander tomorrow. He made it clear that any mistakes would be punished. She was halfway through her second listen of the album when an abrupt knocking caught her attention. "I'm busy." She yelled. The knocking persisted. SantaMaria sighed, swinging the door open thinking Homelander sent dinner up early. Instead she came face to face with Stormfront. "Homecoming, hey girl!"
"Oh, it's you."
"I'm here to make amends."
"Homelander said I can't have visitors, so you should go."
Stormfront pushed past her, "I'm sure he won't mind a little girl talk. It's just... I'm trying to understand why everyone loves you. You have girls and gays angry and loud. How do you do it? I just have guys on laptops churning out memes."
"I'm authentic. I use my voice."
"But Homelander controls your voice sometimes, doesn't he?" Stormfront said, "Aren't you tired of being his little bitch?"
"Excuse me?"
"I'm just saying. Your kind of people are always loud and aggressive but you, you're one of the good ones. Not like A-Train. He's just, ugh" SantaMaria opened her mouth to speak but she was interrupted "Ladies, I hope I'm not interrupting."
"Homelander. I tried to get her to leave. You said no visitors so..."
"She really is one of the good ones." Homelander laughed, throwing an arm over SantaMaria's shoulder. "Trying to get her on her team?"
"Asking for tips, actually."
"Not interested." SantaMaria said, "Especially after all those micro aggressions came out of your mouth. People like me because of me. I have fans because I speak the truth with my art. People connect to my art. I can sing. All you can do is control the weather. I don't need to outrage people. My art does it for me. Screaming into a megaphone is something anyone can do. Yeah, I watched your latest rally. Boring as fuck."
"Language, sweetheart." Homelander squeezed her shoulder.
"Sorry, it was boring. Anger sells well but entertainment sells even better especially when it makes people feel things. You make people angry but you're fucking boring them in the process. You can't outdo the doer, white girl. Girl get it done because I've been doing it for almost a decade."
Stormfront stood with her hands and her hips. A moment later she clapped her hands, "Wow. You're a fucking bitch. I like you. Well, may the best woman win." She extended her hand.
"She already has." SantaMaria retorted. "Now get out of my room before I make you do something you'll regret. Haven't you heard? I can make anyone do whatever I want. Including you. But I'm feeling generous today so I'm asking you instead of making you."

Becca Butcher was on a rampage.
She was going to get her son and SantaMaria back if it was the last thing she did.
She showed up in shambles in The Boys' hideout, wrapping her arms around Butcher. "He took Ryan. He has my son." She said, "He told me he's going to be with his sister, Homecoming. Cuz that's what he fucking calls SantaMaria. And he took my son, Billy!"

A-Train visited SantaMaria at the very same time Becca met up with Butcher
"Hey, is Homelander here?"
"No, I thought y'all were out on a mission."
"Nah, we didn't have one today." A-Train said
"But he said-" SantaMaria knew Homelander's schedule. And he'd never once lie to her about it. Why start now
"Look, I gotta warn you, Homelander is gonna go farther with this whole master slave shit he's got going on with you because he's been hanging around that Nazi bitch, Stormfront. And she hates black people."
"Yeah. Don't act like you don't see it. I've heard her talk to you in that blaccent. And I heard her telling Homelander he needed to be with someone of his own kind and that he shouldn't settle for a colored bitch or whatever. Look, I just thought I'd warn you before you ended up like Starlight."
"Starlight? What happened to her?"
"You don't know?" A-Train pulled out his phone, "Career suicide. They didn't have you do it this time. Stormfront little internment Nazis canceled Starlight and are calling her a traitor."

On Twitter, millions of people were going after Starlight. "What the fuck?"
"Just be careful, alright."
"Why are you talking to me?" SantaMaria said.
"Because this is white people shit. And if Stormfront says protect your own kind, I'm gonna protect everybody black, alright."

SantaMaria was worried. Homelander hadn't come home for a week. And then he left with Stormfront on "a mission" he said it'd be quick but to behave.

To say that she was surprised when Homelander came home with Ryan in tears, having what looked like a panic attack was an understatement.
"There she is." Homelander placed the boy in her arms. "Give her a hug. You're safe, champ. I'll give you a minute and then we're going." Homelander said.
"Where are we going?"
"To the cabin."
"Ryan needs to get away from everything. He had a panic attack at his first public appearance." Homelander said, "He specifically said he wanted his mother and then asked for you. He says you're his best friend."
"That's sweet that you're actually trying not to be a deadbeat but I'm not going anywhere with her." SantaMaria pointed toward Stormfront.
"You don't have a choice," Homelander grabbed her arm roughly, abruptly letting go when he remembered she was holding Ryan. "Don't be jealous. You'll always be my favorite."
"Why do we need one of her on our side?" Stormfront whined. "She's not like us. We're so much better than her."
"I practically fucking raised her." Homelander explained. "She's always been one of us. Plus the kid likes her."
Stormfront eyed SantaMaria. "I guess we could use a slave."
"Ex-fucking-scuse me bitch?" SantaMaria stood up.
"Ladies." Homelander stepped between them. "No reason why my 2 favorite people can't get along for one weekend. C'mon. For the kid?"

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