Part 26

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RT(shocked)- what r u saying kunj?

K(lowering his head in shame)- yes mr taneja i married ur daughter not for the sake of humanity but only to take revenge from u. I thought i will torture her to that extent that u will feel pain which me and my mom felt after my father's desmise but i was so fucking blind in this revenge game that i forgot she is also a human. I did everything to break her not only from outside but from inside. From the day one of our marriage i m taking my revenge from her. I stoop so low that i ended up r..raping her on our wedding n8.

Kunj closes his eyes expecting of getting a slap from RT or he gonna shout on him like how can he do this with his daughter but nothing of that sort happened making kunj confused. He opened his eyes and looks at RT who was looking here and there trying to find proper words. 

K- Mr taneja?

RT(blankly)- she was my daughter but now she is ur wife. I gave u her whole responsibility while doing her kanyadan. She is ur family now so what u do with her and what happens in ur house i think u both should talk about it and sort it out. Its ur family matter and it wont look good if we'll interrupt.

Kunj becomes hell shocked listening this. How can someone think like this. Its like they just abandon their daughter after marriage. Even if she will die they wont try to find out the cause. Here he is himself confessing his sins but this man aka twinkle's name sake father isnt even looking angry with him for doing all this with his one and only daughter....why....just because it is all done by her husband. According to them a marriage gives every right to a man to do anything with his wife. 

Kunj feels disguested by their mentality and way of thinking but with whom he is kidding. Wasnt he the one who took their this way of thinking's advantage to marry twinkle or wasnt he the same person who raped twinkle saying it is his right as he is her husband or he wasnt the person who told twinkle to do all household works which even his mother has never done and not only this but he didnt even let her eat any meal peacefully. He has starved her and what not....Now he feels horrible thinking at which extent he has gone to take his revenge but he has no idea in all this he is only hurting twinkle not her family. Her family toh doesnt care about it so how it can be his it wasnt revenge but only torture that too for twinkle and why bcz she was RT's daughter. That poor girl was paying for the crimes which she was not even aware of.

Kunj with some courage looks at twinkle who was sitting and doing something on her phone or we can say trying to act that she is busy but in real toh she was dieing with every words that her father was speaking. She was feeling like to run very far away from all this mess but seems like her legs stopped supporting her. She was numb. She doesnt knw how to react and what to do. She always wanted kunj to realise what he was doing with her is not right and now when it is finally happening she wasnt feeling anything. She was just blank. She wasnt even crying now just sitting and staring at her phone's screen. 

Seeing her condition kunj gulps a big lump that formed in his throat. He with shaky hands touches her shoulder making her look at him. Those eyes which were filled with so many hopes and emotions on their wedding day were looking so empty and distant now. There were not even trace of tears inside them and for the very first time it breaks something inside kunj knowing he was the reason of her this state. He opens his mouth to say something but quickly closes it bcz he wasnt able to form even a proper sentence to say.

K- twi...

T(gets up from her chair)- i think we should go now. Ur patients must be waiting for u.

Saying this twinkle left from there without even listening his reply. Her mother was about to come and hug her but she turns her face in otherside making her stop immidiately. Kunj shot a glance at her parents then he also comes towards their car taking all those files and pendrive which holds solid proofs. He has so much in his plate for now. He keeps all those things carefully on the backseat and opens the passenger door for twinkle but twinkle without giving any heed walks ahead towards the road.

K- twinkle where r u going? Lets go back.

T(without looking at him)- i told u if today we found out my father is not guilty then i will myself break all relations with u so i m sry but i cant sit in car with a stranger. I have some morals. I will come by auto.

K(sadly)- twinkle i m still ur husband atleast for that sake....

T(chuckles dryly)- now toh atleast stop giving this husband excuse mr sarna. U r noone to me kunj. Our relation is over now. Wse bhi u also wanted this na so finally i m freeing u from all the ties. U can go and do whatever u want. I will come just to take my belongings dont wry after that i wont trouble u ever again.

Kunj holds her hand and with a jerk pulls her towards himself. Twinkle looks in his eyes which were filled with only guilt and regret but twinkle's face was devoid of any emotions. She was staring at him blankly. He tucks her hairs behind her ears and very softly gives a long kiss on her forehead leaving his lips lingering on her skin for some more seconds making twinkle close her eyes. He slowly parts away from her but still holding her close.

K- i knw what i have done with u i dont deserve ur forgiveness. Me toh iss layak bhi nahi hun ki tujhse maafi bhi mang sakun bs i wanna say dont go away from me twinkle. I knw i was behaving like a jerk for torturing u and pushing u away from me but trust me twinkle except that wedding night on any other day whenever i was close to u it was bcz of my feelings. I m not justifying my actions just telling u first time ki from the very first day i felt something for u in my heart but everytime i suppressed it thinking ur father is........(taking a long deep breath) bs itna janna chahta hun is there any chance to get us back together? I m ready to face any punishment given by u i swear.

T(looking in his eyes)- can u vanish those marks which r given by u on my whole body by ur slaps, belt and what not specially on my heart? Can u join those pieces of my heart which shattered bcz of ur doings? Can u give me that hope back which i lost when u raped me? Can u bring my happy soul back to me? Can u bring my those tears back which i have shed every night? Can u go back to the time and stop me from taking such a big step like suicide and embarace me in ur arms and appologise to me saying u love me like noone do...saying u wont ever leave me like everyone did for their selfish reasons...saying u will never humilate me by calling me a slut......(shouts)TELL ME CAN U DO ALL THIS KUNJ SARNA? Jis din ye sb kar pao uss din tumhare bina maafi mange bhi i will forgive u and will start our new life together.

Kunj leaves her hand and twinkle left from there giving him a last look which shows mirror to kunj what he have lost. Looking at twinkle's retreating figure tears start flowing from his eyes thinking about his actions. Their wedding day, how brutually he raped her...her every screams starts roaming in his ears which he ignored that day. He in anger punches the sidewall very harshly causing blood to come out from his knuckles but he didnt even hiss. He was just lost in twinkle's words.

 So thts it for today guys. Hope u like it.

First time i m trying to write story on this concept so it is taking a very long time for me to write even one chapter. I m glad u guys r loving it.

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Bye and love u all a lott.....

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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