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Today's question: Which Male character written by me did you find the MOST ROMANTIC?








She chose a red silk nightgown for tonight. It was made of pure silk having a lacy pattern in its neck and bottom. The border was flowery which would reach her calves and there was a waistband in the middle giving her curves an attractive look. The sleeves were also made of silk and lace which would show her skin from under it. As expected, she applied a dark red lipstick and blew dry her hair to let it fall freely over her shoulders and back.

Tonight was the last night when she would live with this lie. Unaiza wanted to plunge into a fib that Huzaifa could fall in love with her. Her husband loved her and those special moments came from her heart. That would be Huzaifa's last touch as only her husband tonight. After that, he would become Inaya's. Just once she wanted to believe that after marriage, Huzaifa had fallen head over heels for her. This night would be a sign of love for them.

A perfect fairytale to write in her diary. She would at least consider this as an act done because of love. Just like she had a romantic date with Huzaifa and then wrote it in her diary that he was her boyfriend for one day. Exactly like that, he would be her lover for one night. For once, Unaiza wanted to seek the control over him. To see him getting affected by her body.

She sprinkled perfume over herself before taking dignified and calculated steps towards the bedroom, her black high heels making cluttering music on the marble floor. Her body was trembling out of excitement and apprehension but she masked it by her elegant walk. She never wore something this bold before in front of Huzaifa but tonight she wanted to seduce him in a way that he would be completely out of control and crave for her. Many times she wanted to hug herself with her arms because of the cold waves of air whacking against her body.

Huzaifa was lying in the bed, busy with his phone. He must be chatting with Inaya and suddenly an unusual feeling of challenge came into Unaiza's mind. Would she be able to divert Huzaifa's attention and thoughts from Inaya to herself? She wanted to do to this tonight at any cost.

On hearing the distracting sounds of her high heels, Huzaifa lifted his head and then his fingers froze on his screen. He forgot how to blink as his eyes never left her figure. They flitted from her bare ankles and calves to her curvy waist, narrow stomach, and attractive curves of her upper body to her face. A dark look resembling desire occupied his eyes. Unaiza felt the gratification inwardly. He stopped talking to Inaya and focused on her.

"What are you wearing?" He asked, his chest heaving up and down, and once Unaiza resisted the urge to touch it. Eventually, she would but not now. She needed him to ache for her. For once, the string of this game should be in her hand.

Unaiza smiled deeply making him stare at her lips and she knew he fisted his fingers tightly. "Should I change?"

"Gosh, no way," he murmured, as he straightened himself and tried to approach her like a predator did with a prey. He reached out for her wrist to pull her down but Unaiza resisted. He groaned at her insolence and she enjoyed this tease she pulled.

She untied her high heels and put them on the floor with a sound before she turned around to face Huzaifa who had a hungry look on his face already. She shuddered at the intensity but didn't show herself to be affected by it. Unaiza buried her knees in the mattress as she crawled next to him. Huzaifa folded his hand around her waist sensually but she slipped away from his touch.

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