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I woke up in the morning to the bliss of his beautiful face
There was a difference between his swollen lips as a result of my violent kissing him yesterday, because of their seductive pink color
He buries his face in my broad chest, his eyelashes fluttering due to the sunlight that bothers him

He just tempts me without doing anything specific

I started kissing his delicious lips as my morning breakfast
Devour it gently and lovingly, then start biting it
He sucked and licked it until it bled, licking the blood
My lover woke up and opened his beautiful gray eyes and looked at me with a frown as I approached and kissed him again

But I was pushed by him
“Zhan Ge, isn’t it enough for you to make my lips bleed? It’s enough now.”
He said with his beautiful frown and sexy morning voice
I catch myself taking him now beneath me, making him
He moans my name in the most exciting positions

“What is my fault when your lips are like wine aged for years, attracting every drinker to kiss them?”
I told him while stroking it with my thumb and he responded with a sexy smile
“So Babi is yours, right?”
A deep sigh is truly a seductive mass that moves around and tempts everyone

But he didn't tempt me, just him
He caught me in the sea of ​​his charm and held me captive with his magic
I never want to escape from it

“Baby, what do you think we go to Shanghai?”
I asked him and he smiled broadly
“Yes, yes, Zhan Ge, I would like that.”
She gave his lips gentle pecks, causing a beautiful giggle to emerge from his lips

“If you wake up, we will go in the afternoon.”
I looked at the clock and it was one o'clock in the afternoon
My beloved got up and went to the shower, then I got up and went to the other bathroom


Zhan Ge's actions became very beautiful
He doesn't go through a day without kissing me hard
Making my lips bleed

I like it but I'm not used to it
I was the only one who gave and he rejected everything I gave him
I used to get beaten and insulted

But I really started to forget her by seeing his attempts to control his anger and not hurt me or lose me
I'll take his lack of control over his anger away. I'll make him...
He gets rid of him and I will cure him

I love him I love zhan ge so much
I don't want him to be stuck in the past where my father is
His first love

Forgive everything and put myself in the place of everything
A place where my father is Haikuan and my mother is Dilerba
I will be his life and soul

After I finished, I went down to find him waiting for me with my favorite dishes on the table
I smiled happily and went to him as my new habit
Hug him and kiss his cheek as thanks
I sat down and he went to get his very hot food

Before sitting down, he carried me into his arms
He made me sit there. I shocked him to look at him with food in my mouth
"z..zhan ge?"
" Yes, my dear? "
“Put me down to eat zhan ge”
“No, I will eat you and eat. Come on, my child, open your mouth.”
He told me to laugh, because Zhan Ge has become more clingy than me these days

I surrendered to him and he sat and fed me and ate
Until we finished he told me to go prepare the bags
While he will get the car after he finishes washing the dishes

When I finished preparing my bag, I suddenly felt responsible and excited to prepare Zhan Ge's bag, so I started arranging his clothes there.
And I feel him entering the room
“My love, what do you do when you get tired?”
He asked to laugh
“I wanted to prepare your bag, Zhan Ge, can’t I?”
I showed him my puppy eyes and he sighed heavily, pulling me into his embrace

“My beautiful lover, you are just asking, do not ask. I will achieve what you desire. I truly love you, Yibo, please do not leave me.”
He said in a painful tone at the end of his words, hugging him tighter
“I will not leave you, I am like glue. Come on, let’s go, Dad.”
He smiled after pecking my lips
And he went to get ready

On the way, he bought all kinds of my favorite sweets
In order not to get bored on the way to Shanghai, I really do
I hate crowds, so he didn't take me on the bus or plane
He will take the trouble of traveling by car for me

I was eating sweets quietly and talking to him about many things
He listens to me while holding my hand
And wipe it gently
I felt very warm because of him
I never thought my dream would one day come true

Yubin Ge called us to ask Dad about something about work
I didn't care much though
Suddenly this accident happened suddenly

Strong yellow light in front and a large truck
I didn't realize anything except Zhan Ge's screams as he held me in his arms, protecting me from colliding or hurting him.

While I hear Yubin Ge screaming from the phone as he asks what happened

I raised my hand and saw blood coming out of Zhan Ge's head
I was terrified and afraid. He was terrified
Zhan Ge was hit in the head
I started screaming and crying when I felt his hand running through my hair
" do not Cry "
He said it in a heavy voice, stuttering due to his injury
“z...zh..zhan ge, don’t close your eyes, please don’t.”
I shouted in pain to hear Yubin Ge's voice from the phone asking me where I was

“We are on the fast track, please Yubin Ge, save Daddy Zhan, please.”
I screamed in pain, not caring about my hand, which was severely injured
What interests me is zhan ge

I didn't realize myself and fainted
I woke up to find myself in the hospital and Ji Li Ge was sitting in front of me looking at me in pain
“Ji Li Ge, where is Daddy Zhan? Is he okay? Did something happen to him? Did he wake up?”
I asked in one breath as I tried to get up but Ji Li stopped me

“Yibo, you are tired, sleep more, and when you wake up, we will take you to Zhan.”
His voice was painful and his eyes were red, there was nothing wrong with zhan ge
I took off my tubes and ran out looking for Zhan Ge's room
Let ji li catch me
“I won’t come back until I see Zhan Ge, so take me to him.”
I told him coldly to lower his head and drag me to a room that was next to mine

I quickly entered to find Zhan Ge sleeping on the bed with a bandage covering his head
While Yubin Ge cries next to him

"What...what happened Zhan Ge?"
I asked with tears in my eyes
  “The doctor told me he is fine and will wake up soon.”
Yubin said, and it became clear in his speech that something was wrong

"bin bin where am I"
Zhan Ge's voice rang out in the room and I ran and threw myself into his arms
"Zhan Ge, I was so afraid for you. How are you? You're not hurt, right?"
I asked him with anxiety and fear while crying took over my features
He looked at me coldly and questioned

" Who are you?"


Sorry I took so long in uploading.. So what do you think of the chapter?

and what do you think happened to Zhan?
and will Zhan return as violent as before?


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