chapter 10

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"Taehyung sir hasn't come yet," Beomgyu pointed out, hiding on the opposite side of Taehyung's home, across the road.

"Give me the binoculars now, I also wanna see," Taehyun snatched the binoculars from him, earning a smack from Beomgyu.

"Kookie hyung is restless, he's pacing back and forth," he informed.

"Today, Lord save Taehyung sir. First, Beomgyu lied, now he's late at home," Kai said, looking through his binoculars.

"Do you guys know we're committing a crime by peeping into others' homes, not to forget the superintendent of police's home?" Soobin said, clearly done with his friends.

"Kai, didn't you give a call to Yeonjun hyung? Only he can shut up Soobin hyung," Beomgyu asked Kai.

"I did; he must be coming," Kai informed

All of them startled  when Taehyung's car pulled up at his house; the sound of the engine spread excitement in their hearts. They did behind the tress as they saw taheyung stepping out of the car .

As Taehyung saw the lights on, he smiled widely, knowing that the younger one was at his home. Smilingly, he entered the house, but something landed on his face—yes, a cushion. Before he could grasp the situation, another cushion landed on his face, and then another; Jungkook had a basket full of all the cushions and pulshies , that he gathered from the couch .

"You dog-hearted *  meanie," Jungkook choked on his sob, tears flowing from his eyes as he was crying dramatically, as always, the crybaby he is.

"You cheater," Jungkook cried, throwing another pillow at Taehyung's face, who was trying hard to dodge it and get to Jungkook, but the younger was not letting him come near him as he continued his assault of throwing cushions and plushies at Taehyung.

"You bad, cheater, big meanie, you are cheating on me with that bitch," he accused while pointing a finger at Taehyung, as all the cushions and plushies in the basket were finished.

Taehyung was so confused; he came to the younger, but Jungkook started punching Taehyung's chest with his tiny fists. "You cheater, dog-hearted," he cried with every punch.

"Jungkook... Kook... Listen... Koo," Taehyung kept calling, taking all the punches, but Jungkook didn't listen, kept crying and accusing Taehyung.

Taehyung took hold of Jungkook's both wrists, stopping them from the punches.

Jungkook sniffled  looking at Taehyung.

"What exactly happened?" Taehyung asked as soon as Jungkook stopped crying, looking at Taehyung with his red, puffy eyes and cheeks with a hint of tears in them.

Taehyung sighed, looking down, and then left Jungkook's wrists and cupped his face, wiping his tears from his cheeks while Jungkook sniffled.

"Now tell me what exactly happened?" Taehyung asked, to which he saw the younger resuming his deep breaths.

"No, no, not at all, tell me without crying," he said as he saw Jungkook starting his crying engine, who instantly stopped upon hearing the elder.

"You called me ugly," Jungkook accused, while Taehyung frowned.

"You are cheating on me with that bitch," he accused again, with a look of betrayal. Taehyung's confused face turned to one of understanding, and then he raised one eyebrow.

"How come I am cheating on you?" he asked in amusement.

"You were literally all over that girl, and you are asking me how you are cheating on me," the younger shouted at the elder.

"Well, since you and I... we are not in a relationship, then how come I cheated on you?" Taehyung asked, his face showing amusement.

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it, not finding words. He looked here and there, finding no answer to the question. Yes, Taehyung is not in a relationship with him, so how come Taehyung can cheat on him,and he likes Yoongi, isn't it? Then why did Taehyung's closeness to anyone other than him bother him so much that he started crying?

"Answer me, Jungkook, I can be with anybody, I can even hug or kiss anybody," Taehyung pressed the buttons of the younger.

"YOU WILL NOT FUCKING HUG OR KISS ANYBODY, MEANIE," Jungkook shouted at the elder.

"Why?" Taehyung asked instantly, his face had a smile the whole time.

"Because I don't like it," Jungkook answered, folding his arms across his chest, frowning.

"And why should I care about your likings and dislikings?" Taehyung asked, to which Jungkook's heart stung with pain, and his eyes filled with tears. It hurts him knowing that his likings and dislikings don't bother the elder.

He just turned on his heels and stormed out of the house, wiping his tears that were  free falling from his eyes like a waterfall .

Triple threat with Soobin instantly ducked down as they saw Jungkook  stroming out of the door .

"If Sir finds out it's our doing, then we're all doomed," Beomgyu said as he saw Jungkook crying.

"Not we, only you," Kai said matter-of-factly, to which Beomgyu smacked his head. "If I'm going to hell, I'm going to drag you all with me," he announced.

"Shit is getting intense," Soobin said as he saw the scene unfolding in front of them.

"Do you guys truly believe that Jungkook hyung likes Yoongi sir?" Taehyun asked.

"If that's true, then pigs can fly," Beomgyu answered.

"And Jay Park paved the way," Kai added.

"And IU is my wife," Soobin added.

Taehyung stopped the running younger by grabbing his wrist and pulling the younger toward himself so that Jungkook's back touched Taehyung's torso, practically back-hugging Jungkook in the middle of the road.

"Ooo lalala, PDA... I like it," Jin said, sipping his boba tea, squinting his eyes as he looked at the duo from his balcony.


"Shut up, midget, or I will cut the call; you are being too loud," Jin warned.

"Jin hyung, I dare you to—," Jimin was in between his threat when Jin cut the call.

"Hehehehehe Did you really think you can threaten me on my own cellular device hehehehehe ?" Jin said, looking at the phone and then laughed his wind shield wiper laughter .

"Wait, let me just enjoy my tea while looking at the k-drama in front of me," he said to himself and put the phone in the pocket of his nightsuit .


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