Chapter 10 - At the Village Fair

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NOTE: There might be some delay in replying to comments, due to obvious reasons. Happy release day for part one of season three, everyone! Let's enjoy ourselves! <3

Also, I do know that 'gay' and 'queer' were not used in these times, but I would hate for the characters to use queerphobic slurs about themselves, so therefore some more historical inaccuracy in this regard, as well as a slight nod to the Heartstopper series...


When Geoffrey woke up in the morning, Miles had already sneaked out, but luckily he had left a note behind him on the nightstand - as well as the sunburn lotion - otherwise Geoffrey would have surely thought that it had all been just a wonderful dream. He quickly snatched the folded up paper with a simple "Geoff" written on the top and opened it, dreadfully fearing it would contain some brusque order to forget about the entire night and never talk about it again.

Do not sleep all day, otherwise I will miss you at breakfast.


Geoffrey's lips twisted into a smile and he quickly stashed the note into his desk drawer, before getting dressed. There was still one more thing he needed to do before heading downstairs for breakfast, where he apparently was already being missed...

"There you are, Geoffrey, we were just about to have the food taken away!" Kate was the first one to greet him with a smile, when he finally arrived in the breakfast room. She was still sitting by the largest table with Lily, who was unsurprisingly doodling something on a paper.

"I am so sorry, but I was... Feeling energetic, so I wanted to finish the designs for Miles' house." Geoffrey replied with an apologetic smirk, carrying five large scrolls of paper underneath his arm. Miles had been slouching in a seating group in the usual relaxed way of the Bridgerton men, together with his father and Oliver Crane, but sprung up on his feet immediately when he realised that Geoffrey had arrived. Geoffrey wanted to believe that Miles' face had lit up from something else, too, than just the thrill of choosing his future home. He marched up to one of the already empty tables and waved Geoffrey closer.

"Let us look at them, then!" Miles smiled excitedly and looked a bit too long into Geoffrey's eyes. Blushing slightly, Geoffrey smiled back at him while his stomach did its usual Miles-related somersault.

"Let the poor man eat first!" Kate complained, while giving her corgi some leftover bacon.

"He'll be fine." Miles stated, helping Geoffrey roll up the scrolls. "Unlike your dog, if you keep making him fatter than he already is..." He added and his mother just grimaced back at him. "Why are you all here, gawking?" Miles growled, when Anthony, Oliver and Lily had jumped up from their seats as well and had now gathered around the drawings.

"Excuse me, but these happen to be my lands, so naturally I am interested in what you two are planning to build on them!" Anthony pointed out, a bit offendedly. "With my money..."

"Oh, Geoffrey! I didn't know you were such a talented draftsman!" Lily chirped, gazing admiringly at the designs. Apart from having drawn all the floor plans to five different houses, Geoffrey had also made indeed beautiful colour drawings of all the buildings, picturing how they would look from the outside when they were done, with flower arrangements and everything. Miles studied the designs with a focused look on his face, whilst Geoffrey studied Miles, trying to figure out if he was pleased with the ideas or not.

"Thank you, Lily." Geoffrey smirked. "Well...?" He asked Miles warily, after what seemed like a terribly long while.

"Bloody hell, I mean... They are all amazing, Geoff, truly..." Miles finally exhaled. "But, I think that... It has to be this one." He said, pointing at the third design, a moderately luxurious sandstone house. "You have somehow managed to catch the architecture of both Aubrey Hall and the stables, but it still looks unique, too..." He blurted out, gawking at the picture in awe and already imagining the finished building in his mind. "I am not entirely sure about these pillars by the front door, though..." He continued in a contemplative tone.

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