30. guest room??

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As I walked away from Abhimaan, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. I knew he was my husband, and deep down, I knew he wasn't a bad person. He was my home, my rock, and he cared about me. But what he did was wrong. Marrying someone just to seal a business deal? It was unacceptable. I wasn't a thing to be traded or used for personal gain. I was a person, with feelings and emotions.

I'm not angry, I'm just hurt. And as an overthinking person, I can't help but replay the events in my head. Why did he do it? Did he really think I'd be okay with it? Doesn't he know me at all?

I know Abhimaan loves me, but love isn't just about feelings. It's about respect, trust, and understanding. And right now, I feel like he's failed me on all counts.

I need him to understand that what he did was wrong. I need him to see that I'm not just a pawn in his game of power and wealth. I'm his wife, his partner, and his equal.

And until he understands that, I can't just forgive and forget. I need him to earn back my trust, to prove to me that he values me as a person, not just as a means to an end.

As I walk away, I can feel his eyes on me, burning with regret and longing. And I know that he'll do anything to make it right between us. But for now, I need some time to heal, to process, and to figure out if our love is strong enough to overcome this hurt.

I sat on the luxurious terrace, surrounded by the opulence of the palace, and couldn't help but think about how my life had turned out. From being a simple girl with big dreams to becoming the queen of Rajasthan, it had been a whirlwind journey. But as I gazed out at the stars, I couldn't shake off the feeling of hurt and betrayal that lingered in my heart.

Just as I was lost in thought, I felt a gentle touch on my shoulders. A thin shawl was wrapped around me, and I knew it was Abhimaan without even looking. His touch was soft and gentle, a stark contrast to the pain he had caused me.

I didn't stare at him, didn't want to meet his eyes, didn't want to see the regret and longing that I knew would be there. I just kept looking at the stars, trying to process my emotions.

Abhimaan sat down beside me, his presence quiet and unassuming. I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn't turn to face him. I knew he wanted to talk, to explain, to apologize, but I wasn't ready to listen.

The silence between us was thick and heavy, filled with unspoken words and unresolved issues. But as we sat there, wrapped in the warmth of the shawl and the quiet of the night, I knew that eventually, we would have to face the truth and confront the hurt that lay between us.

For now, I just let the silence envelop us, and the stars twinkle above, a reminder of the beauty and wonder that life held, even in the darkest of times.

As I felt a wave of sleepiness wash over me, I was about to get up and head to bed, but someone tugged gently on my shawl. I turned to look, and my heart skipped a beat. Abhimaan was sitting there, his eyes pleading for forgiveness, his face a picture of innocence. It was a look that would melt the coldest of hearts, and I was no exception.

He looked like a kid, a kid who had made a mistake and was desperate to make amends. His eyes were wide and sorrowful, his lips pursed in a silent apology. It was hard to believe that this was the same man who was known as the ruthless, powerful, and merciless King of Rajasthan, the one who controlled the whole underworld with an iron fist.

"Mayura, please," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Don't go. Don't leave me yet."

As I gazed at him, I felt my anger and hurt slowly melting away, replaced by a warmth and softness that I couldn't ignore. I saw the vulnerability in his eyes, the desperation to make things right, and my heart went out to him.

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