Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

"Oh for god's sake, she can't even calm down the little baby." Antonio De Luca was relentless in his attacks and with Ava's continuing wails in the backdrop, Grace felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

She longed to escape, to flee from the piercing gazes and cutting remarks that surrounded her, but her legs felt rooted to the spot, unable to move.

"That's enough, nono!" It was Marco's voice that cut through the air like a knife, slicing through the tension that had enveloped the room. His words were laced with frustration and indignation, a clear rebuke to his grandfather's relentless criticism. He stepped forward, positioning himself between Grace and Antonio, a protective barrier shielding her from further verbal assault.

For a moment, Antonio appeared taken aback, surprise flickering across his features at Marco's bold interjection. The room fell silent, all eyes fixed on the unfolding drama, waiting to see how Antonio would respond to his grandson's defiance.

But Marco stood his ground, his expression unwavering as he addressed his grandfather once more. "This is neither the time nor the place for this," he stated firmly, his voice brooking no argument.

his presence a reassuring anchor for Grace. With a gentle hand, he reached out to take Ava from Grace's trembling arms, his touch a comforting balm against the raw edges of her frayed nerves.

"Come, sister," he murmured softly, his voice a soothing melody in the midst of the chaos. "I will take you to your room where both of you can rest."

For Grace, Marco's words were a lifeline in the chaos. With a grateful nod, she allowed herself to be led away, her steps faltering slightly as she leaned into Marco's steady embrace.

As they made their way through the hallways of the opulent resort, Grace felt a sense of relief wash over her, the weight of the world slowly lifting from her weary shoulders. And the further they got from the music and the guests, the more Ava's cried diminished until it completely stopped.

"Thank you, Marco." Grace murmured, looking at her brother-in-law as they walked side by side on the stairs, who looked so much like her own husband, but was poles apart from him in his mannerism. He was silent and calm, unlike Alessadro's stormy eyes and angry style.

He smiled at her. "No, need to thank me. Instead I should be the one apologizing to you for nono's behaviour. Sometimes, he forgets that unlike him, other human beings have feelings and emotions, that could be hurt. He had been like an unfeeling piece of rock all his life and he expects everyone else to be like that too."

"He tried his best to raise us like that too. Unfeeling and efficient. Almost succeeded in doing it to Alessandro." Suddenly, his eyes sought Grace. "But that's changing now, isn't it?" He was gazing at her thoughtfully.

"I don't know what you mean." Grace muttered. "I have seen the changes in my brother Grace and hopefully they are for the best."

Suddenly, he stopped walking as they reached the sanctuary of the room that had been booked for her and Alessandro, Marco gently led her inside and settled Ava into her crib. And then gently guided Grace to the plush comfort of her bed,Grace sank onto the edge of the bed, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her. "Thank you, Marco," she whispered again, because she didn't know what else to say. her voice thick with unshed tears. Marco smiled softly at her, his eyes filled with compassion. "I told you,You don't have to thank me, Grace," he said kindly. "We're family, and family looks out for each other."

his touch a soothing caress against her fevered brow. "Rest now, sister," he whispered, his voice a gentle lullaby in the quiet stillness of the room. "And don't worry, I will be right outside your door until Alessandro returns, okay?"

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