Slurpee x fem!Reader - Valentine's Day

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Requested by endworldgore!

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, the sun was shining and although it was quite cold, there were many couples out and about. Everyone was in a good mood, especially the lovers - after all, today was the day of love. Much to Slurpee's dismay. She liked this holiday too, that was out of the question, especially since she could use it as an excuse to spend the whole day with her beloved girlfriend. There was just one problem. She had completely forgotten about this day. She had actually forgotten that it was Valentine's Day, which of course meant that she didn't have a gift for (Y/N).

And what was even worse: (Y/N) was on her way to Slurpee at that very moment, as they had arranged to meet at her place. "She could be here at any moment and I don't have a gift! What the heck am I supposed to do now?? How stupid can I be to forget Valentine's Day?!", the girl muttered to herself, ruffling her white hair as she paced around her room, visibly stressed out.

"I can't go to search for something now when (Y/N) is almost here! Besides, when choosing a Valentine's gift, you have to really think about it and take your time to find the right one... but I don't have time!!" Slurpee was so angry at herself that she would have liked to bang her head against the wall repeatedly, but at that moment the doorbell rang. "Damn!", the girl thought and quickly fixed her messy hair before hurrying to the door and opening it.

"Hey love! Happy Valentine's Day!", her girlfriend greeted her with a sunny smile and leaned in closer to give Slurpee a kiss on the cheek. "H-hi (Y/N).. Happy Valentine's Day to you too...", the white-haired girl replied with slightly reddened cheeks and she watched (Y/N) as she took off her winter jacket and boots, before taking something out of her shoulder bag and holding it out to Slurpee with a broad grin.

"For you, the best girlfriend I can imagine!", she smiled and Slurpee gratefully accepted the gift. It was a small light pink paper bag containing a bar of chocolate and a pretty necklace with a silver pendant. Slurpee's cheeks turned pink again and she smiled happily as (Y/N) took the necklace and put it around Slurpee's neck.

"I know it's not much but I hope you still like it.", she said and the white-haired girl pulled her girlfriend into a thank-you-hug, smiling as she replied: "It's more than enough, thank you dear..." "...and that's why I really need to come up with a plan now!", she added in her mind and thought feverishly while (Y/N) was about to make herself comfortable in the living room, when Slurpee stopped her: "H-hey, how about we go for a little walk together? It's such nice weather today, don't you think?"

(Y/N) looked at her girlfriend in confusion and interjected: "Uhm... but it's freezing outside. Are you sure you want to go out? I thought you hate the cold...", to which Slurpee quickly lied: "That's true, but umm.. look how many lovers are out and about! Don't you think we should accompany them as a couple?" Although (Y/N) still looked a little puzzled, she didn't think further about it and put her jacket and boots back on, just like Slurpee, before they both left the apartment.

– – – – –

As if by chance Slurpee and (Y/N) had taken the direction where the long old shopping street was located, after all that was the best place to inconspicuously look around for a gift. "Wow you were right, there really are many couples out and about.", (Y/N) said surprised and added with a laugh: "It's a good thing we're not pining over each other like they are, am I right Slurpee?"

But Slurpee didn't answer since she was completely lost in thought as she eyed every store they passed. "What should I buy her? Flowers? Chocolate? Isn't that all too clichéd?", she thought, biting on one of her fingernails tensely until (Y/N) took her by the hand. "Slurpee? Is everything okay? You seem so nervous...", she said in a worried voice, but Slurpee immediately waved her off: "What? Me? Nervous? Oh nonsense, you must be imagining things, I'm doing great!"

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