Operation Atlas Infiltration (Part Ayame)

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<Ayame pov>

Once we arrive there Murasaki immediately speaks up

"We split up, me and inferno jaune at atlas academy, Ayame you go to the underground bunker jail thingy and Silver you head to the headmasters lair thing"

"And if we still can't find her we head up to mantal"

Ugh can't believe we have a baby commanding me...

"Got it" silver responds

And then we are on our way

"Time to go in guns blazing..."

I load my dual pistols and open the bunker and shoot the first two guards and of course i have a suppressor.

Suddenly red alarms start blaring

...i will kill her and nobody else

Big metal doors are closing behind me as i run

Guards...more of them at least, you see i have the ability to control Violet and i did that when she was in the elevator but i thought she got away but i cant right now, its like something is blocking me from doing so...but why am i protecting her?

No matter

There's an elevator i need to get to that leads to the prison cells but they are a bit far and i have a ton of guards on me...heh i'm no pacifist


Ive looked through most of the cells but she is nowhere to be found

Suddenly i hear a voice

"Put down your weapons and surrender!" a wolf faunus says

"Tch and who the hell are you?" i say

"My nam is Marrow Amin" he speaks

I try to back up but to no avail as i just hit a wall at the end of the prison cells

"Tch, then lets do this" i say

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