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I was at an after party, getting a drink while talking to some people I didn't know and others I knew from movies. They were all so kind and my friend (Jazzy) told me how she met her celebrity crush. I didn't know they allowed artists in here. I just assumed it was movie actors and models.

"Y/n, come!" Jazzy said as she took my hand and lead me to the photo booth.
-"for memory purposes by the way." She smiled while I laughed and sat next to her.

The screen showed the both of us and counted down from 3 and snapped a photo.
We posed and were interrupted by someone opening the curtains. I jump slightly and noticed it was Bill Kaulitz?

"Oh, sorry! I didn't know this was in use.." he apologized before shutting them. I gulped and looked at Jazzy in shock.

"What?" She asks, pulling out the photos and looking at them.
-"did you not see who that was!?" I exclaim.

"Uh, no?" She replied, her gaze now on me.

"Bitch, that was Bill!" I squeal excitedly.
-"as in 'Bill Call-its'?" She snorts.
-"I thought you made him up."

"Why would I make someone up? It's 'Bill Kaulitz' dipshit." I scoff, pulling her out of the photo booth and saw Tokio Hotel at the bar, getting some drinks.

"Oh, I'm gonna pass out! The whole band?! This is the best day of my life.." I say, breathing heavily as I hold onto Jazz.
-"Okay, calm down. It's not that serious." She sighed.

"Yeah, but you came running to me after you met Justin Bieber." I rolled my eyes.
-"Okay, but that was like-he's cute! You're into this..I don't know? Hedgehog dude?" She shrugs, furrowing her brows as she looks at him.

"Stop being a hater. Justin is not cute." I scoff.
We then had a mini argument about Justin and Bill. She was saying how Justin was the cutest dude on planet earth and I was telling her how he couldn't compare to Bill.

"Uhm, excuse me..you guys are kinda blocking us from entering the photo booth." I heard a familiar voice say. I turn around and see the whole band but it was definitely Tom who said that.

"Like there's any room for four of you guys." Jazzy rolled her eyes.
I nudged her shoulder and put a smile on my face.

"Sorry, Don't mind her." I say, grabbing Jazz by her arm and pulling her out the way.

"Oh, my god..Y/n!?" Bill gasped, his hand going over his mouth.
-"Yeah?" I reply in confusion.

"I've been meaning to meet you!" He smiled happily.
-"wait..really? Me too!" I exclaim, smiling so hard to the point my cheeks are turning red.

"Oh, my god! It's so nice to meet you!" He giggled, pulling me in for a hug.
-"it's nice to meet you too! I was just talking about you!" I return the hug before we pulled away.

"Really? I didn't think you'd know who I was!" He looked down at me, his hand still on my waist.
-"oh, I'm a huge fan." I smile.

"You don't even wanna know how much she rants about you. I thought she made you up, I'm not even gonna lie." Jazz scoffed.
-"oh, that's sweet." Bill smiled softly, his cheeks flushing a light pink.

"Bill, come on! We don't have all day, man." Tom groaned from inside the photo booth.
-"I'm sorry about him. He just doesn't know when to shut the fuck up." He chuckled nervously.

"It's fine. It was nice meeting you though." I smiled.
-"you too! Have a nice day." He said before pulling away.
-"you too." I replied as he entered the photo booth.

"That was so bad.." I groan.
-"don't worry about it. Mine was worser!"

𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗞𝗮𝘂𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘇 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 :: ☆Where stories live. Discover now