Harsh Reality - ENG

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Life is so ruthless that a person can't even know what reality is.
What is victory or being defeated?
What is love or being in love?

I don't know. It's a stream of thoughts that varies according to each person's thoughts.
In my opinion, love is something that is "impossible to reach." It's loving and possessing them with everything they have.

I am in love with them. But I will never be able to go and confess.
I love them so much, I miss them so much... 

Their name always comes up whenever I fall into any emptiness.
And that day, I either see them in my dreams or their name keeps ringing in my ears. 

I don't want to lose you.
Even if I think someone else will have you, I still have to bury this longing and love inside me.

Çağlam, one day I will come to you. I can't even imagine what will happen that day.
I have always wanted to see you. 

It's not happening, you're not getting out of my mind.
Maybe it should be like this.
Should we accept it this way?
Should we not count at all?
Should we give up?
Should we love like this? 

I have missed you since that day.
Stay with love.

13.01.2024 - 12:32

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