11. Kisses and Hickeys

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11. Kisses and Hickeys.

Shubman sat alone in his dimly lit hotel room, the weight of the day's frustrations bearing down on him.

His morning hadn't started well, and to make matters worse, Maithili wasn't responding to his messages or answering his calls. Perhaps she was buried deep in her studies, but the silence from her end only added to his sense of desolation.

Restless, he paced the room, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He glanced at his phone for the umpteenth time, hoping to see a notification from Maithili, but there was nothing. Sighing heavily, he flopped down onto the bed, feeling utterly defeated.

"Come on, Maithili," he muttered to himself, staring at the ceiling. "Where are you? I need you."

He tapped his fingers impatiently on the edge of the bed, his mind racing with worry.

What if something had happened to her? What if she was upset with him? The uncertainty gnawed at him, leaving him feeling helpless and alone.

With a heavy heart, Shubman reached for his phone once more, his thumb hovering over the call button. Maybe this time she would pick up, maybe this time he could hear her voice and reassure himself that she was okay.

Taking a deep breath, he pressed the call button and held his breath, waiting for Maithili to answer.

Shubman listened anxiously as the phone rang, each ring feeling like an eternity. But once again, it went to voicemail. His heart sank as he realized that Maithili still wasn't answering.

"Come on, Maithili," he whispered to himself, frustration and concern tugging at his emotions. "Please, just pick up."

He contemplated leaving a voicemail, but the words caught in his throat. What could he possibly say that would make her respond? Instead, he ended the call and tossed his phone onto the bed, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"She's probably just busy with her studies," he reassured himself, trying to quell the rising panic. But deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped him.

With a heavy sigh, Shubman leaned back against the headboard, staring blankly at the wall. He felt a pang of loneliness wash over him, the absence of Maithili's presence leaving a gaping hole in his heart.

Minutes ticked by, each one stretching into eternity as he waited in silence. Finally, he reached for his phone again, his fingers hovering over the keyboard as he composed a message.

"Hey Maithili, just checking in. I hope you're doing okay. I miss you. Let me know when you get a chance. Love you."

With a sense of resignation, he hit send and set his phone aside, hoping against hope that she would respond soon.

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