𝖄𝖊 𝕺𝖑' 𝖉𝖆𝖞𝖘

202 9 17

Idk what to say here

My infected finger is almost better, at least!

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Muzan, the soon-to-be king, or at least he hopped, walked through the vast expanse that was his wing of the castle. He slid down the twisting stairs, ran his fingers along the portrait frames, and made everyone he passed bow their heads.

He picked up an apple from the kitchen, and went outside to observe the royal guard's training. He sat on a mid sized stone wall, not caring if his pants got dust on them. Somebody else will be washing them, so why should he? 

He bit into the apple as he kept his eye on one knight in particular. He was new, around Muzan's age. He liked how diligently he worked, and how he was clearly loyal. Muzan observed as he ate alone white the other knights gossiped, joked, and slacked off in general. His sandwich was sloppy and clearly homemade, but but it had the right nutrients to keep him going.

Michikatsu was from a noble family, of course. All nights are. But the mother died when he was 7, so down the line went the cooking responsibilities. First, it fell on his younger brother. He had picked up techniques from his mother, but he married off recently and picked up work in his wife's family business. They're supposedly quite happy, but Michikatsu thinks he did it to escape their father. He likes to believe that it's both, as Yoriichi and Uta are always smiling as he walks past them on his way to the castle.

Soon the training resumed and sooner it was done. It felt like no time at all to the prince, as he kept an eye on the new hire, infatuation growing with each swing of his sword. Finally, he noticed his presence and Muzan had the chance to beckon him over. He kneeled down before the prince when he arrived, awaiting an order.

"Your technique is most impressive." He praised, taking one final bite out of his apple. "I like how you're always paying attention. Even when those others aren't."

"Thank you... Your Highness... I appreciate it greatly..."

"Good. Now follow me." Muzan hopped off the wall and started walking back the way he came, Michikatsu trailing close behind. He flung the apple core into some nearby bush, not caring where it will go or what will take it. "I like you a lot," he pushed and passed the grand door that led to the stairs that will bring one to his chambers. "Therefore, I've decided that you're mine now. My personal knight." This bold statement made Michikatsu stop in his tracks.

"Huh...!?" He blurted out. "Uh- pardon me... but why not someone... better...? Not- not to question you... or anything... just why me...?" His tongue ran slightly before his head, so he now had the trouble of keeping his speech respectful while thinking out loud.

"It's simple." he motioned for Michikatsu to keep walking with him. "The other nights are gossipers- not that I dislike gossip, but I could not trust them. And they're ugly. You're cute, I want you. Therefore you shall personally protect me and keep me happy for the rest of our days." He turned around and booped him on the nose. "You need not worry about your worthiness for the position. It is my will that you fulfill this role, so let that be your only concern."

"Yes Your Majesty..." He followed Muzan into his bedroom.

"Please, call me Muzan." He smiled back at him. "Oh, and you can drop your armor here, by this dresser."

"Alright..." Michikatsu started the tedious process of armor removal. Even though he doesn't yet wear a full suit, the pieces are still heavy and a lot of work to take off. Muzan started to walk around the room, pointing out things to Michikatsu.

"Here is your dresser, here is your chest, here is your closet, and here is the your side of the window seat." He said. "We well fetch-" He cut himself off, looking at his clothes. "Er, I will have nice clothes sewn for you shortly."

"If I may ask... Why do you have two of everything...?"

"Well, I've always known I wish to share my room with a cute boy, but I haven't found one. Until now, that is." He smiled.

"What about... a bed...? There's only one..."

"Well duh, how else will we partake in-" He walked up to Michikatsu, closing the distance and whispering in his ear, "Homosexual activities?"

"Isn't that... illegal...?!" he gasped, worrying that this may somehow be a plot from his father to get him publicly executed.

"Not for long!" Muzan giggled. "When I'm king, I'm going to override that silly nonsense."

"But what about now... when you're not yet king...?"

"Ehh, I can basically do whatever I want. Worse comes to worse, I'll murder my father and take the throne."

"Okay... If you say so..."

"I do!" He pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, my cute knight, for agreeing to be with me! ...Well I guess you didn't really have a choice, and I sorta just dropped it on you that we will be homosexual, but I don't think you'll mind because I can tell that you also like men. I can see it in your homosexual eyes."

"Homoseuxal eyes...?"

"Yeah! I don't know how to explain it, but I suppose I can just tell." Muzan trailed his hands down Michikatsu's waist and hips. "You have hips that could produce a very nice heir."

"But... I'm a man...? I thought only women... could do such..."

"My father points out girls to me that have such hips. I'm not exactly sure of the critera, because I'm not looking at girls, but I think it's supposed to be a complement. Also, I don't know how heirs are made, so I wouldn't know if it's true that only women can."

"Me neither..."

"But it doesn't matter anyways, I don't want an heir. They're never going to have a king better than I, so why should one bother?"

"Mm... That makes sense..."

"Now, for your hair and wardrobe: you're gonna need to be much fancier if you're to be with me all the time. Lets go make you even more beautiful!" He grabbed Michikatsu's hand and started to run, pulling him to wherever the people who do hair/clothes are. 

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A short thing I felt like writing on a random Monday because I came up with one line the night before while trying to fall asleep

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