Chapter forty-five

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         "Tori can you please keep up so we're not late to school," Two shouted ahead of me.

           I rolled my eyes. All of a sudden I was in trouble and now Two cared about being to school on time, maybe if I got in trouble like this a few years ago he would have actually graduated.

          But if I complained like I have been for the past couple of days he would just tell me, 'be happy that I at least didn't tell mom you little shit."

        Toni and I were better than before but there was still that weird tension between us and instead of Toni walking side by side with me like he usually does, he was walking next to Two. Which was fine with me to be honest because I didn't really want to be next to him either.

        Soda didn't talk to me all day yesterday but I couldn't exactly be too upset with him for that, without knowing the full story, it really did look bad and to make it all worse I lied to him. I was lying to about just everyone at this point, but lying to Soda about that just made me feel icky.

         I didn't exactly say bye to my brothers but I gave them the tiniest wave.

        When I say tiny, I mean I don't think they exactly even saw it.

It was early enough for me to still hang around them but it was still uncomfortable to do so and I would much rather wander the halls and crowds of people before I did that. Two was driving me absolutely insane for the past couple of days and I wanted to be far from him right now.

I've fought with my brothers before and have even gone a couple days without talking to them, so this exactly wasn't a whole new experience and didn't bother me that much.

And just like expected the school day dragged on and even though me and Johnny were still on good terms, my brothers were cold with me and so was Pony.

How awful do I look if even Pony was quiet with me.

By the time the end of the school day rolled around I chose to wait at our usual spot even though I wanted to just run off to work.

But then really thinking about it, it would probably tick off Two even more because he had made it very clear that he didn't trust me anymore and then he would probably go on and on again about how one troubled twin was enough and I was putting even more stress on him, blah blah blah.

To my luck, the first one I saw was Pony, and out of everyone he was most definitely giving me the cold shoulder.

He was overprotective of his brother after all and had every right after what happened with Soda and Sandy.

"Hi Pony," I greeted, hoping to cut the tension between us.

He nodded his head at me, weary on making eye contact.

I was planning on not saying anything to Pony but I hated seeing him so cold with me and couldn't bear the thought of him having these awful thoughts about me.

"I hope you know Pony," I gulped, "Me and Eric are just friends."

Pony's eyes flickered towards me, "were."

I blinked my eyes a couple of times and reworded my sentence, "We were just friends."

Pony was quiet and I was silently pleading that he would say something else other than trying to correct me.

But then there I was again lying again.

Pony finally looked up at me letting out a sigh, "I know you wouldn't do that to Soda," he started, "I just don't want to see him hurt again."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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