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            SHERIFF KELLER CAME to the hospital later that day to speak to Maeve about the incident. He informed her not too long into asking questions about what happened that they had caught the robber who shot Fred.

Apparently, it was a stray Ghoulie that was hiding by himself in the shadows of Riverdale ever since they ran out of down months ago. He was high off his mind and was looking for some money to leave town so his best idea was to rob Pop's Chocklit shoppe. Maeve was deeply confused with this conversation. She had no idea that there were no Ghoulies anymore. When she left Riverdale a while ago to go back to her life in New York, the Ghoulies were still around and wreaking havoc around the southside of Riverdale.

But now they are gone? It didn't make any sense. She was a little upset that FP hadn't called to let her know about this. Her initial thought was he was too busy the last few months to inform her on what was going on, however judging by the guilty look on his face he intentionally did not want to tell her.

Maeve pushed it away for now though. There were more important matters than to interrogate the older Jones man about the despicable things that happened around Riverdale while she was away. For example, Fred Andrews was now awake and Maeve wanted to make sure that he was comfortable and healing properly. For the past few days she was helping take care of Archie until Mary was able to come back to Riverdale. She was currently during an important case and Maeve didn't want her to miss out on it.

But, when she arrived and assured Maeve that it was okay to go back to her regular life, the Smith women turned her attention back to the mess of her house. She did just move back to Riverdale after all and her house was a mess. Everything was delivered to her house, and that meant boxes and furniture were everywhere. She started to unpack the boxes labeled kitchen so she could at least get a start on organizing a part of her house. She had no idea how she was going to carry the furniture by herself but she would eventually figure it out.

She picked up a box of her wall decorations, but before she could open it there was a knock at the front door. She sighed and placed down the box before heading to the door. As expected, it was FP standing outside, his hands stuck in the pockets of his Southside Serpents jacket as he stared sheepishly at the women. A small smile made its way onto her lips as she kept the door open for him to enter. As he walked past her he sent her a gentle smile, which she gladly returned. Even though she was still a tiny bit upset, being in the vicinity of FP made her feel like everything runs smoother.

As the older man entered the home he couldn't help but stand in the middle of the big open space where the living room and kitchen connected. It was bigger than his trailer. He felt small in his house. He was used to the small trailers on the southside. He almost forgot that Maeve had a lot of money now. She could afford all this fancy shit. The last time she was out visiting she just stayed with him and Jughead, so he never had to experience visiting a fancy hotel room. But this was crazy—at least to him anyway. He felt so proud of her. She grew up with absolutely nothing and now she could have anything she wanted.

"So," he began, spinning around in a circle as he glanced at all the boxes and furniture. "This is it, huh?"

"It is." she grinned, repeating his actions "you like it?"

He didn't exactly give a yes or no answer. "It's huge."

Maeve laughed, sending shivers down his spine. She made her way over to where the kitchen was and continued to take the decorations out of the box. FP followed in her direction and leaned his back against one of the marble countertops.

"What brings you over to this side of town?"

"Went and checked on Fred, and thought why not stop in and see you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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