Dark Creatures

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Disclaimer: ( I forgot to put this in the beginning of the story. I do not own anything that's already owned
In this story, don't sue me.)
Guin's POV
It's been a couple days after the whole Camelot fiasco. Honestly life is good right now, my hut's done. The only downside is that it's directly across from Pan's. He said it was to keep and eye on me, you know, one girl and twenty boys, there could be a problem.
I thinks he's worried that's I might change my mind about reclaiming Camelot, but I'm not. I'm already in Neverland and Peter Pan is my next door neighbor, I've had enough fairytale crap to last a life time. But let's not talk about that, lets talk about my new place.
It's pretty big, definitely bigger than ones built for regular Lost Boys, and it came with new clothes and a bikini I will most-likely use now.
I slip on my mint-green bikini and a see through dress, then run down to the lagoon I passed by yesterday. I try to get through the camp as quickly as possible, again the one girl, twenty guys situation could be a big problem. Especially now that I'm in a bikini.
I open the door and peak my head out to make sure nobody was there.
I take one step out,
"Where are you going?" Pan said appearing in front of me.
"I'm going swimming...." I say.
"Ok Just don't go to mermaid lagoon." he sounded like he was warning me.
"Yeah ok." I honestly wasn't listening, where did he say? Ugh whatever I'll wing it.
I walk to the lagoon I past yesterday and it was just as beautiful.
I slowly walk into the lagoon and just float.
"What the hell are you doing." Pan said, annoyed.
"I told you I was swimming." I instantly comeback.
"Yeah and I told you not to come here."
"Ooooohhhhh is this where you said?"
"Yes, can you please get out before you die?" He told me.
"No! What are you gonna do, kill me?"
"No not me." he said smirking, it made me feel really uncomfortable.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Suddenly I felt something under me. Then it pulled me under, it looks like a.......mermaid? Again not surprised this is Neverland, anyway I need to get out of this before I drown. I grab her shoulders and ram her up against a nearby rock, just to get her off. I surface a couple times and there's Pan, not lifting his pretty little finger for anything.
Im under water again and this thing is still trying to drown me.
I grabbed her head and twisted it, as she used her razor sharp nails to scratch me all the way up my leg, then she was dead.
I limp out of the lagoon with a trail of blood seeping out from behind my leg.
I sat down on the sand, and there Pan was, just standing there with his arms crossed and smirking.
"Wow, your still not gonna help me!" I yelled.
"No I'm gonna let you ride this out, You didn't listen to me, this is Karma being a bitch."
" I hate you." I said bluntly.
"I'd be worried if you didn't"

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