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Guin's POV
No, No! I am not going out there!I'm gonna stay in my hut forever and never talk to anyone out there again. I'm humiliated, I'm also not sure about half the stuff I said. Maybe I should go out and just see what happens, I probably didn't say anything too bad.
I slowly walked up to the door and took a deep breath. I walked out, the normal activities were going on. I quietly walk to the breakfast table, drawing no attention to myself.
I sit down at the table and eat with my head down. The second I look up, there was Felix smirking at me.
"What?" I said irritably.
"Nothing princess, I was just remembering all the things you said yesterday."
I grabbed his arm and dragged him deeper into the forest.
"What did I say yesterday's because I remember bits and pieces but not the whole thing, however I do remember that you were there."
"You really want me to tell you what you said yesterday?"
"Ok well you talked about bunnies.....a lot."
"Yeah I love bunnies, keep going."
"And you said that you liked me and Pan and that we were both hot and that this whole situation would be a good reality TV show because your funny when drugged."
"Really?" I said in a high squeaky  want voice.
"Yeah, then the real highlight of that whole conversation is when you asked me if I'd ever be in a three-some with you-"
"OKAY YOU CAN STOP THERE" I cut him off.
"I just wanted to tell you that I was drugged and most of that was not true, so yeah." I said I started to walk away when,
"So you don't think I'm hot?"
"I" I walked away because I fucked up and stuttered, but it meant nothing!
I couldn't think of a place to walk to. I can't go back to camp because Felix is there and I can't go to the beach because I stole a rare object from an evil Pirate family. So let's just go to Pan's tree, no one goes there and Pan only goes at night so it's perfect.
I made my way to the tree and climbed to my usual branch. I just sat there, now that I have the bean I could go to StoryBrooke. But I'm.......kind afraid. What if the Arthur in my dream was a just a dream and not real, what if I get caught I'll get killed on the spot.
"What are you doing here?"
Pan appeared on the branch, popping me out of my thoughts.
"I don't feel like going back to camp." I said.
"Why, are you afraid your 'love triangle' might collapse." He teased.
"So Felix told you about the things that I allegedly said."
"It's not alleged, I know you said them." Pan so and in his know it all attitude.
"So what if I did? I was not in my right mind so it's doesn't count."
"What ever you say love, but this doesn't matter, I actually come here to ask you a question."
"It's not another date is it?"
"No it's not, there's no water for you to spit out!"
"Hahaha very funny......what's the question?"
"It's about Hook's son." He looks urgent.
"Damien, what about him?"
"He didn't do anything did he......I mean to you?" Pan asked.
"Oh no! God no! Even if he did, I would've kicked his ass!"
"You would've kicked his ass while tied to a chair and drugged."
"YES! And why are you so worried about me?"
There was a long pause as he thought of a careful answer that doesn't reveal too much.
"Your my only Lost Girl, I consider you a prized possession of mine."
"Wow I love being someone's possession!" I say sarcastically.
"It's a compliment Guin, try taking one." He said.
"I'm sorry I'm just not used to hearing prized possession and my name in the same sentence."
"It's fine, most of the lost boys feel that way too."
Then there was a really awkward pause, that point in a conversation where nobody has anything else to say and both people are trying to think of a topic to start another conversation.
"So you think I'm hot?" Pan said.
"Shutup!" I giggle out and slightly push him.
"SO YOU DO!" He smiled.
"I was drugged!!!!!" I yelled laughing.
"Don't make excuses" Pan said.
Oh god this is what I get for being one girl In a camp full of boys.
"God your such a boy!" I say.
"I am Peter Pan."
"I just forget sometimes that your Peter Pan, this is Neverland, and that Captain Hooks family drugged and kidnapped me."
I hate to admit it but when I leave, I can't help the feeling I'm gonna miss it, even though that if I stay I die.

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