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I slowly opened my eyes, groggily taking in my surroundings. I was in a hospital bed, surrounded by white walls and the soft beeping of machines. Queen Nuria was sitting beside me, her face etched with worry. King Luca stood at the foot of the bed, his expression stern but concerned.

"Where...where am I?" I croaked, my throat still sore from the allergic reaction.

"The royal hospital," Queen Nuria replied, gently stroking my hair. "You've been unconscious for a day. We were so worried about you, Fayre."

Luca's eyes locked onto mine, filled with a deep concern. "Fayre, can you hear me?"

I nodded slightly, still trying to process what was happening.

The doctor entered the room, a kind-faced woman with a warm smile. "Ah, welcome back, Fayre. You've had a rough time, but we've got you stabilized now."

I tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through my head, making me wince. King Luca stepped forward, his eyes narrowing. "What's going on, Doctor? Why is she still in pain?"

The doctor hesitated before answering, "Well, Your Majesty, it seems Fayre has a severe allergy to garlic, just like...Queen Nuria."

Queen Nuria's eyes welled up with tears, and King Luca's expression turned glacial, his eyes flashing with anger.

"Get her the royal treatment," he commanded. "I want her fully recovered, no matter what it takes. She's the only one I have left now."

As the doctor nodded and scurried off, I felt a strange sensation wash over me. Why were they treating me like royalty?

As I looked into Luca's piercing gaze, I saw something there, something that made me wonder if I was more than just a servant...if I was, in fact, really the long lost princess of the Land of Fair.

Queen Nuria stood up, her eyes filled with tears. "I'll leave you two alone for a bit. I'm sure you have much to discuss." She glanced at King Luca, her expression hinting at a deeper understanding. "I'll be outside, Your highness."

Luca nodded, his eyes never leaving mine. "Thank you, Queen Nuria."

As Queen Nuria exited the room, Luca moved closer to my bedside. "Fayre, what do you remember from the dinner hall?"

I tried to recall, but my memories were hazy. "I...I remember feeling unwell after eating the food. And then...and then I saw your dragon, and...and everything went dark."

King Luca's expression turned cold, his eyes flashing with anger. "Second Queen Yasmin served you the food, Fayre. She knew about your allergy. This was no accident."

My heart raced as I realized the truth. Queen Yasmin had tried to harm me, just to prove a point. She doesn't even seem to like me, so why is she trying to prove that I am the princess.

"Fayre, my love, I'm so sorry this happened to you," King Luca said, his voice filled with concern.

I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked up at him. "I feel so helpless, Luca. First, I'm accused of being a thief, then I'm almost killed by a ginger allergy...I just can't take it anymore."

King Luca's expression softened, and he took my hand in his. "You're not helpless, Fayre. You're strong and brave. And I'm here for you, always."

But I couldn't shake off the feeling of vulnerability. "This trip is taking a toll on me, Luca. I never thought I would say this but I miss Krashia, I miss my people...I just want to go home."

King Luca nodded understandingly. "I know, my love. We'll get through this together. And soon, we'll return to Krashia, where you'll be safe and happy once more."

I smiled weakly, feeling a sense of gratitude towards him. "Thank you, Luca. Just knowing you're here for me makes me feel a little better."

Luca squeezed my hand gently. "Always, Fayre. Now, rest for a bit. We'll deal with Yasmin and her treachery soon enough."

As I closed my eyes, I felt a sense of determination rising within me. I would get through this,

As I rested, Luca sat beside me, his eyes never leaving mine. "Fayre, I have a request to make of you," he said, his voice low and husky.

I opened my eyes, curious. "What is it, Luca?"

"The royal ball we came here for is approaching, it's in two days and I want you to be my plus one," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

I shook my head, feeling a pang of sadness. "Luca, I can't. I'm just a servant. It wouldn't be proper."

King Luca's expression turned determined. "Fayre, you are so much more than a servant. You are my soulmate, and it's time I start showing it, no more hiding. You will be the Queen of the supernaturals, by my side, ruling over the Kingdom of the dragons."

I gasped, feeling a thrill run through me. "Luca, I...I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll come with me to the ball, Fayre," he urged, his eyes burning with intensity. "Say you'll stand by my side, as my equal, as my queen."

I hesitated, feeling the weight of his words. But as I looked into his eyes, I knew I couldn't resist. "Okay, Luca. I'll come with you to the ball but just as your plus one, you can't suddenly throw the fact that you have a soulmate at the people, we are not even in your kingdom"

King Luca's face lit up with a radiant smile. "I'll take that for now and I promise, Fayre, you will be safe with me."

As soon as I agreed to attend the ball with Luca, my body suddenly began to tremble and convulse. I felt a strange sensation wash over me, like my mind was being pulled back in time.

Luca's face turned white with panic as he grasped my shoulders. "Fayre, no! Oh, heavens, what's happening?"

The hospital staff rushed to my side, trying to calm me down, but I was beyond consolation. I could see Queen Nuria standing by the door with her hands to her mouth but she couldn't look much as she rushed out tears filling her eyes. My body thrashed about, my eyes rolling back in my head as I let out a blood-curdling scream.

And then, just as suddenly as it had started, everything stopped. I lay there, panting and trembling, as a vision burst forth in my mind.

I was four years old again, playing in what seem to look like the throne room with my mother, and my two brothers. We were laughing and chasing each other, our joy infectious. My father, sat on a throne like seat, a warm smile on his face as he watched us.

The memory was so vivid, so real, that I could almost smell the scent of my mother's perfume and feel the softness of her gown as she twirled me around.

As the vision faded, I looked up at Luca, confusion and fear etched on my face. "What...what just happened?" I stammered.

Luca's eyes were filled with worry, but also a hint of understanding. "I think you had a flashback, Fayre. A memory from your past. Your eyes went all white and that only happens when a spell is being made to recover a lost memory"

I nodded, still trying to process what I had seen. And then it hit me - the realization that Queen Nuria was my mother, and the King...the King was my father. I saw their face vividly and if what Luca said is true the this has to be my memory but who made the spell.

Tears streamed down my face as the truth finally sank in but it doesn't help my confusion. I was the long-lost princess, or a princess thought to be dead. I lived as a servant all my life and I was made to believe that I was found as a baby by the head maid. So where is this memory coming from.

Was it a mistake following Luca here because it seems my life is falling apart here, or is it?

THE WARRIOR QUEEN Where stories live. Discover now