Part 3

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New relationships

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New relationships.
Intense storylines.
And so much more action.
Are you ready for part 3? 😁



Alisha jumped at the sound of the voice that woke her.

She felt a hand on her shoulder calming her down.

"It's just me." Stefan spoke soothing her.

Alisha felt her heart rate start to steady.

Lately all that played in her mind were gruesome scenes from the past weeks that she would rather not remember.

Stefan knew that the younger witch hadn't been sleeping well either.

It took some time to convince Klaus to start letting her stay behind while they did their... while they did what needed to be done.

And he was glad that Ali had stayed behind for this one in particular. Stefan could still hear the screams.

He held up a McDonald's pack.

"I brought food. I was gonna get you a happy meal but I figured you had enough toys." Stefan spoke playfully.

It was an inside joke. Stefan had taken to buying Ali Happy Meals simply because she had mentioned off hand about two weeks prior that she had really loved finding the toys as a kid.

And with no real stops on this 'road trip' they were on with Klaus, Stefan did whatever he could to make Ali feel some semblance of peace.

Alisha rolled her eyes and sat up in bed as she turned on the the lamp beside her.

Stefan's face came into view and so did the food.

"Are you and Klaus done with your... interrogating?" She asked as she grabbed the bag from Stefan, the greasy goodness wafted up her nose.

Fast foods are all she had known lately since she hadn't had a proper home cooked meal in a while.

Gosh she missed her dad's cooking no matter how bad it could be.

Ali stopped herself from thinking too much about her father or her sisters. At this point she might never see them again.

"I'm assuming you already ate." Alisha muttered as she tossed some fries into her mouth.

She already felt sick about doing the spell to find Ray's house.

"How many today?" Alisha asked quietly.

"Hey don't do that." Stefan spoke. "We do the dirty work so you don't have to."

Suddenly Ali didn't have an appetite.

She pushed away her food.

She was worried for his soul. She was worried for her own. As long as they were with Klaus she didn't know what they would become.

He was already turning Stefan into this... this - what did he call it? A ripper?

Ali frowned.

She had always known Stefan to be the good guy. But every time he did what Klaus asked him, it made her sick.

"Are you okay?" Alisha asked suddenly.

Stefan pursed his lips.

Alisha knew why Stefan had to do these things. Klaus still believed he had succeeded in  killing Elena in his ritual to become a hybrid - a mix between a vampire and werewolf.

Something that had never existed in the Supernatural world until now.

The same way Ali was now a werewitch. A werewolf and a witch, another thing that had never existed in nature.

Stefan reached out and placed a hand on Ali's knee.

"You should rest up a bit more. Klaus wants to hit the road soon."

Alisha suddenly felt something hollow in her stomach,

No doubt he would want to do even more horrendous things.

Alisha set the happy meal aside.

She pulled the covers to her chest.

Stefan got up.

"Stefan?" Ali whispered.

Stefan turned around.

"Can you stay?"

Stefan didn't say anything. This wasn't an unusual request.

He simply settled into the arm chair beside Ali's bed.

Ali turned onto her side just glad he was here.

They were all each other had right now.

"Do you want me to sing?" Stefan asked in a hushed voice.

Ali laughed. "Goodness no."

"Well don't say I didn't offer."

Ali shut her eyes, trying not to think about the family she left behind. Her sisters, her father...

And definitely not her friends.

Not Jeremy...

Because for all she knew, she might never see them again.

For their safety, her and Stefan would have to stay far away.

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