6. Houseparty Pt 2

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Solána's House


Solána has always been a sweet one for this place. She pretty much always has been to be for real. Shes been like, showing me around to all these new people, and this one nigga that she really liked, I think his name was Donald, but Solána just calls him "Gambino", and everyone else does too, which I don't really understand it, butttt, it seems to be sum' sorta inside name or sumthing.But, he has a real pretty voice, like Solána, and I can see why these two fuckas' are friends. Anyway, we continue to just walk around the place, just talking bout school, with "Gambino" or sumthing smokin weed. Everyone hurr' seems to like weed and stuff, which I can't really dawg on em' for.

"Have you seen those new pics Kali' was flaunting on Insta this night?" Solána would ask us, as she took a step further with us, her long curly black hair bouncing on her back.

"Shit, she posted again', she hardly be posting on insta." I'd answer, kinda confused cus I know this bitch don't post.

"Hereee, lemme pull it up real quick for y'all." Solána would say, pulling out her phone as I and Gambino peaked down.

We all looked at her Insta as she clicked on Kali's pics. It showed Kali wearing a white crop top, lined with a pinkish pastel jacket over it. In the post, it tagged this "Rih'". The caption read, "doja can go fxck herself, she uglyyy"

"Nah, lil' bitch looks like a unfrosted pop tart." Gambino would say, giggling a bit at his comment. Me and Solána laughed back.

"Nah, but, since when did she have beef wit' Doja or somethin'?!" I'd say, giggling a bit.

"I don't really no fo show, buttt I'm pretty surr' they were fighting at Nicki's house. My gurl Simbi texted me that they were gettin' a bit rowdy there, and I think Nicki kicked em' three out, then Kali, who drove Rih' and Doja to Nicki's house, just left Doja there with no way to get home, then fuckin' taunted her on Insta." Solána would respond, shifting her body to the side as she laughed.

"Nahhh whatttt!" Gambino would react, laughing back and back.

"Help? Bish', in what world are you like, that level toxic??" I'd respond to Solána's story.

"Kali's world fo' sho'." Solána responded to both of our reactions, as we all continued to laugh and chatter.

I literally never thought this party and shit would be any fun, but I guess talkin' with old besties and shit can help you pull yourself together for a reality check that being social can be cool.


Sooo now we be tryna find some' bad bitches. Very glad that that stupid Rocky bitch ain't over here, hes such a mood killer for the damn group. I hope he recognizes how sucky his worth actually fucking is. But like, now that we found some free ho's, those  people back hanging with that stupid faggot Rocky because they think he's "cool" are gonna feel real dumb when they see the bitches we pickin' up.I can't trust his fruity ass overall, so hopefully the rest of the group hanging with him comes to their senses and abandons his worthless ass. Anyway, me, Jasper, Taco, and Domo are just hanging upstairs in a blank hallway with a sofa, some desks, just beige and stuff, with some bad motherfuckas around us.Taco was tryna be slick, whilst Jasper and Domo were running themselves up on these two black chicks. I could tell they really don't like Jasper, cause he's being a bit annoying to be honest. As I look up as this browner chick, lookin' puerto rican, approached me, smirking slightly. I gotta shoot my shot for this biatch.

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