Spending time with Meme Guardians

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Just another normal afternoon while Tari was playing her video games on the couch. It seemed that way until Quackington rushed up to her, wheezing in some kind of strained quacking. "Are you okay?" Tari paused the game and set down her controller. Once catching his breath, Quackington started jumping up and down while flailing his wings around. It seems like he was trying to tell Tari something, but she wasn't sure what.

"Do you want to play?"

Quackington shook his head and tried again.

"Are you hungry?"

Another moment of shaking.

"You seem to be in a awful hurry..."

Quackington chirped in joy and nodded his head. He then pointed to a clock in the room that said it was 4:00. Four...FOUR!

"Oh no! I'm late for the big lunch for Smg1 and Smg2 at Peach's Castle!" Tari was freaking out while Quackington tried dragging her legs towards the door. "Oh I forgot that the meme guardians had come for the party and I had promised Four I'd be there! But I'm not there!"\

She started running around, asking herself "Do I look alright? Do I need to bring anything?" She started to think of not even bothering to show up. She wasn't the most excited person for big get togethers, but also wasn't one to so rudely back out of an invitation.

"It's starting! I'm missing it!"

She was about to run out the door, but stopped to thank Quackington for reminding her. "Thanks Quackington!" She stood in the doorway and came back again. "If you hadn't reminded me than I wouldn't have remembered and everyone would be wondering where I was and-"

Quackington started jumping again to signify the whole point of this rush. "Oh right! I'm late." This time for good measures, Quackington slammed the door and locked it. Tari forgot something to say, but when she giggled the handle, it wouldn't open.

"Okay then...see you later."

~Meanwhile at the castle~

Two toad guards were standing on either side of the doors with spears in hand. Three slowly opened the door and approached them in a cool way. "So...what would you say to aiding a meme guardian like Smg1, Smg2, or myself for example." His smooth attempt to persuade the guards didn't work as they kept straight faces. He then tried to bribe them by waving a coin in front of their faces and spoke in a hypnotizing voice "I miigghhtt paaaayyyy yoooouuu gooood ooooo..."

"Sir, if you're just going to waste our time then please go inside." Three scowled. He was about to give up when he got a scathingly good idea. Taking out his phone, he pulled up a bunch of memes and shoved the device in their faces. Disinterest remained on their faces and one spoke in a stern voice. "SIR. If you do not leave right now, we will ask security to escort you off the premises." Three scoffed and said "What security!? I've been here several times and not once have I-"

A bunch more toads appeared behind him and shoved spears in his face. Sweat began to drip down his face. "...you're good." He instantly shut up and all but the two original guards vanished. He looked at them and said "Too good. I'm bored." He slipped past them and whispered "Buzzkills..."

A few seconds after he went back inside, Tari ran up to the door and caught herself, breathing heavily. "Phew. I made it." She was about to walk up when the two toads blocked her with their spears. "Halt. Who goes there?" Tari squeaked and nervously said "Nobody. I'll just go home."

Four was sternly talking to Three about his bribery when he realized someone was missing. "Where's Tari?" Three rolled his eyes and said "How should I know? It's not my problem if that gamer girl can't get here on time."

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