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Next morning

Advika' Pov:

Advika :Ahh my head is paining like hell and why I am here in my bed..
Who was it yesterday who came at beach .. it was advant or someone else..
Should I ask him.
No he might be in hospital and think I should take rest today..I will not go my firm today..

*Phone rings*

Advika: now whatt??

Harshita: Advika you should be right here in the firm.

Advika: I took a day leave man and you are saying me to come
I am the ceo

Harshita : ik Advika you are on leave but here the condition is worsening because some members of the senior council associate has came to investigate us

Advika: explain me clearly whatt are you saying.

Harshita:The associate explained that one of their most high-profile clients, a multinational corporation, was suddenly entangled in a complex legal dispute. An unexpected lawsuit had been filed against the client, alleging serious contract violations that could lead to substantial financial losses and reputational damage. The client was panicking and needed immediate legal counsel.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Advika knew she had to step in. She quickly rescheduled her plans and headed to the office. Upon arrival, she gathered her key team members and reviewed the details of the lawsuit. With her sharp legal mind and calm demeanor, Advika led the team in developing a robust defense strategy.

Advika: Harshita take that file and send to the client.
Every details and legal advices and curriculum are written there.

Harshita : The owner of Nauvet.co, whose this..
Shayan Sekhawat..

Advika: what.. whose the client can you please tell the name again.

Harshita: it's Shayan Sekhawat

Advika: why didn't you told me earlier.

Harshita: I was never mentioned with the name earlier nor did he came but sent the group of council.

Advika: waitt what. It's not the way it works and we should be provided with all the information about the client
And our law firm never took a side of fraudulent cases so how can I take this case without actually knowing the actual owner and his company reputation.

I am dropping the hearing right away.
It's against my ethicates

Harshita : what are you gone mad??

Advika: No ,right now call the members of the council I wanna talk to them

Harshita: but ...but...

Advika: I said quickk..

Harshita : ok

Harshita came with the council members into my cabin..

Advika: take a sit all of you..

Advika: I know it's a multinational company and I have prepared most of the things for this case but I think I won't be coming for the hearing..
And whatever you have done is not expected from you all.
Without giving me the proper information about the client you ordered me to fight this case.

One of the members : ik Miss Advika but we have provided the company's name and it was obvious about the client miss .
And we chose your firm and you as a lawyer because according to our list you are best lawyer for this case.

Advika: I know but..

Head of the council: miss advika it's not like that we are forcing you. Just prove to yourself that we chose the best lawyer in whole bengluru, and why not
We have checked the profile of his company and certified to be the case in his favour.

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