Death Day(Anne)

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Anne had woken with a burning sensation in her neck.

She knew what day it was, today was her death day, the day she was executed.

She can remember how everyone was cheering for her downfall and she knows that she deserves it for what she did to Catherine.

The queens have been here for a few days now and learning things about this century what they didn't know was Anne's execution date/death date was coming up.

Anne knew that it was coming up but didn't tell the others thinking that they wouldn't care.

Nobody in her past life cared when she died, they all were happy and were cheering.

Anne didn't see her father at the execution only her uncle and past fiancé, Henry Percy who she used to call Percy or Harry.

Harry was the only one who cared.

After her father forcing her to become Henry's wife and over throw Catherine, she still loved Percy at the beginning of her and Henry's marriage but fell out of love and started falling in love with Henry.

She misses her siblings, Mary and George.

George was killed before her. They were both innocent but nobody cared, they just wanted Anne dead.

Anne heard a knock at the door. "Anne?" She heard a voice said.

'Kat?' Anne thought. "I brought your breakfast for you, are you hungry?" Kitty asked.

You don't deserve food.

You got your brother and those men killed.

It's your fault Henry replaced you if only you had given birth to a living son.

Anne loved Elizabeth but she sometimes wished that she birthed a son then she wouldn't of died.

"I'm not hungry" Anne replied. "Are you sure?" Kat asked.

"Yes, I'm sure" Anne told her. "Okay..."Kitty said and left.

*With the other Queens*

Kitty walked back downstairs with a sad expression on her face.

" What's wrong, Liebe?"(Love) Anna asked." Annie wasn't hungry" She replied.

"What's wrong with her? She's been in her room all day" Cathy said confused.

"Wait..." Jane said as her eyes widened, "What day is it?" She asked.

"Uh, May 19th on a Sunday, why?" Catalina answered and Jane’s eyes widened in realization.

"It's Anne's death day, that's why she's so upset" Jane explained.

"Oh....." Anna said in realization.

"We should do something for her" Kitty suggested.

"I heard this thing called a cake so I'll bake one for her with the recipe" Jane said, "Anna you'll help me with it" She told Anna.

"What's Cake?" Catherine asked. "A desert" Jane replied.

"We'll go out and buy her gifts" Kitty said.

'I'll buy her books since she loves reading, mainly comics though' Cathy thought.

"Wait.. If she does come down, who will distract her?" Kat asked.

"I will" Catherine said and walked upstairs. Everyone went and do the things they were assigned.

*With Aralyn*

"Anne?" Catherine called as she knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" She asked. "If you want" Anne answered.

Catherine gently opened the door and walked in and closed her door.

Anne was laid down on the bed and Catherine walked closer and sat beside her on the bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Catalina asked. "I don't know" Anne replied.

"Do you want a hug?" Catalina asked and Anne sat up and crawled into Catalina's lap.

"It's okay, let it out" Catherine told her and Anne started crying.

*A few minutes later*

"Do you want to watch something?" Catherine asked.

"Can we watch She-ra princesses of power?" Anne asked, embarrassed. "It's one of the my favorite things I love about this new world when me and Kitkat found it last week" Anne explained.

"Sure" Catherine replied.

Catherine took Anne's laptop and put on She-ra.

*Three hours later*

Catherine's phone vibrated and took it out and saw that it was a text from Jane.

Momma bear:Everyone's downstairs and ready, why don't you bring her down right now?


"Hey, Anne? Why don't we go downstairs?" Catherine said. "Uh, why exactly?" Anne said, raising her eyebrow.

"It's a surprise" Catherine replied. "Sure, I guess" Anne replied back and followed Catherine downstairs into the dining room where there was a cake and some bags.

"What's all this?" Anne asked, curiously.

"Their all yours, we noticed how you only stayed in your room..."Anna began." And wanted to do something for you, you know that it isn't your fault right?" Jane asked.

Anne looked down." It was actually, I left Lizzie all alone" Anne said.

"Yeah but she was taking care of by four amazing step mothers" Kitty said to which Cathy flinched but thankfully no one noticed.

"Why don't we eat the cake now?" Cathy suggested.

"Sure" Anne told her softly.

After eating the cake and was now opening the gifts.

The first one she picked was Cathy. "Why don't you open my own privately and leave it for last?" Cathy said and Anne nodded as she realized that Cathy probably bought her some books mainly comics and knows that Anne doesn't want the others to know that she likes reading.

Anne decided to open Kitty's own first and got a few stuffies which Anne adored. Then she opened Anna's own which had some video games.

"After I helped Jane with the Cake I went out and got you a few things and I remember that you were watching those games with curiosity and went out to buy them for you" Anna explained.

Anne smiled and got up and went to hug Anna.

"Thank you" She thanked Anna. Anna smiled back and hug her back. "Your welcome Bo" She replied and Anne sat back down and started opening the rest of her gifts.

In one of the gifts she got heelys which Kitty got both of them.

"Thank you guys" Anne said.

"Your welcome, now, how about a movie night?" Jane suggested and everyone agreed.

The Queens were slowly becoming a family.

But they will stay together forever.


They would do anything for Anne.

She wouldn't just leave them alone.

Right? They love her.

End of chapter.

A/n:Decided to give you guys this early.

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