_*. One.*_

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Minho awoke to the dim light of morning sun filtering through the thin curtains of his room, his thoughts and dreams already long gone. He took in a deep breath, savoring the quiet peace of the morning. But with each breath, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness, a lingering hint of regret.

He was haunted by all the things that could have been different, the memories that still ached within him. Despite his efforts to move on, to let go of past troubles, Minho knew the pain would never truly fade.

"Min? You up?"

The voice snapped Minho out of his thoughts as he quickly sat up, his long messy hair falling into his face. He cleared his throat before replying,

"Yeah! I'll be down in a minute!"

"Okay! Don't forget you have another interview at 9:00!"


Minho waited until he heard feet padding down the stairs before releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding.

When he'd started going to these interviews, he was more than prepared. Even after being refused the first two, he remained sanguine. But after the tenth or so rejection, he had lost the little bit of hope he had.

The thought that all his teachers and classmates were right about him getting nowhere in life being a dancer made his blood boil. That was one of the only reasons Minho was still trying. The other reason was because of her.

He didn't want to disappoint her. He couldn't.

Minho pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes as he let out a groan. The only thing he wanted to do at the moment was cry and stay in bed all day. That's all he wanted to do every day.

After staying in that position for a moment more, he pulled his blanket off of him and got to do his morning routine.

First, Minho hopped into the shower, the hot water an excuse to hide his tears. After scrubbing his face, hair, and body of any trace of dirt, he stepped out of the shower.

Making his way toward the closet with a towel loosely wrapped around his waist, he pretended to think about what he was going to wear. He ended up settling on the usual black t-shirt and sweats.

He stepped in front of his body-length mirror for a quick look over and brushed his hair back. He needs to cut his hair.

Just as he was about to leave his room to fulfill his last step, he shot a glance at his unmade bed. Sighing, he walked over and threw his blanket over the mattress sloppily.

Good enough, he thought before padding down the stairs.

As he walked into the living room, he heard the soft chatter of familiar voices. Once he turned the corner, he was met with his roommates; Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and San, cooing at his cats.

They were all caught in the little devils' traps, scratching the soft spot of fur behind the ears. A trap that Minho had fallen victim to many times.

"Okay stop drooling over my cats, I need to feed them."

The three of them quickly looked up, seeming to not have noticed Minho's presence.

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