Chapter Twelve

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The day after you visited the bar, you were back at Bobby's place. He was in the Dominican Republic on a case, so the three of you were just lounging around. That's when Ruby arrived to tell Sam about a girl from Ohio who was on the radar of angels and demons. Dean was pissed that she had the nerve to show her face around him but you found a silver lining. Now you could put a face to the name, but more importantly, now that you knew angels were involved, you could avoid it like the plague. You know that if the angels were looking for this girl, Castiel would be in warrior mode and you hated seeing him like that.

That's why when you found a case in Fremont, Nebraska, you jumped on the chance to take it.

"Guys, I think I'm going to sit this one out and go check out this case. Sounds like a ghost situation of some sort." You had told Sam and Dean as they were packing up to leave.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Dean's concern was written all over his face.

"I'll be fine. I used to hunt by myself all the time before I met your brother," you reassured him.

"She has a point. She was flying solo when we met," Sam chimed in, coming to your defense.

"Alright, just be safe. We'll see you in a few days, yeah?" Dean relented.

After repeatedly assuring them of your safety, you left in one of Bobby's cars, giving a playful honk as you pulled away.

That was a couple of days ago. After ganking the ghost, as Dean would say, you were back in your motel room, nursing your wounds. You'd gotten pretty beat up and were missing Sam's gentle hands as you tried patching yourself up.

Growing frustrated, you sigh and settle into the creaky wooden chair at the small table in the room.

"Cas, I don't know if you can hear me, but I miss you and I could really use your magic touch right about now," you murmur into the silence.

It felt silly, talking to the empty room, but you figured it was worth a shot. If he could watch over you without you seeing him, he could probably hear you pray to him.

"Castiel..." you begin again, but the sudden rustle of wings cuts you off.

"I'm here. You're injured," he notes as you turn your head to look at him.

Disregarding your wounds, you leap out of the chair and into his arms.

"You came!" You exclaim as he wraps his arms around you, stumbling back a bit from the force.

"Well, yes. You called."

"I know. I just thought you'd be busy. I didn't expect you to actually come," you admit, feeling a mix of surprise and gratitude.

"I'll always try to come when you call," he promises. "Besides, I have some time right now."

As you draw back slightly from the hug, your hands resting on his shoulders, you examine his expression. Concern is sketched all over his face as his gaze focuses on a small cut on your bottom lip. His touch is tender as he reaches up, brushing his thumb against it.

"You're bleeding," he murmurs, a frown forming as his thumb lingers on your lip.

You can't help but tease, a half-serious suggestion slipping from your mouth. "You could always kiss it better."

In a seamless motion, Castiel's thumb moves from your lip to your chin, drawing you closer until your lips meet in a soft kiss. In the moment, you can't tell if it's because you've been waiting for the kiss or if he's actually healing your injuries, but everything feels right. As your lips move together, a sense of calm washes over you.

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