The Noor Family

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Sadia Noor started to wash the dishes when she spotted her mother staring at her. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw her mother's questioning look.

"Sadia are you okay? Why are you washing the dishes today?"

Sadia gave a little smile. "Ammi I, um, thought I should help out. I thought it's good to help you once in a while." 

In return she got her mother's skeptical face. Then her mother shrugged and continued wiping down the dinner table, and putting the curry inside the fridge.

It's been so long, Sadia thought. It's literally taking me forever. Ha... when was the last time I ever did housework?


After 20 long minutes Sadia's mother spoke. "You know it took you very long just to wash 6 dishes and 3 glasses." 

Sadia stopped drying her hands and frowned. "Well at least i'm helping unlike Alisha. She's upstairs in her room on her laptop, like always. Every single day. Doing who knows what."

"Stop trying to blame Alisha. You know she needs that laptop for her university studies. And aren't you the one who spends all her time in her books, and nothing more? From where did you get the desire to finally come down and help me!" Sadia's mother exclaimed. 

"Well Ammi i'm studying just like Alisha as well! You're always okay when she works, but the minute I start doing my homework you always get mad!"

"But Sadu she's in College, you're only in tenth grade. Can you not see the difference?!"

"You know most people's parents would be happy if their kids studied. How the heck is it bothering you?!" Sadia screamed. 

"Studying is good but not when you make it your life, Sadia! You stopped reading Quran so long ago, and now you only pray a few times a week.  Don't think I don't notice!" Sadia's mother yelled. 

"But Alisha stopped doing all that stuff years ago. She doesn't even pray anymore, unlike me at least I still pray every week. Why is EVERY BLAME ALWAYS ON ME?!!"

Sadia's mother sighed. She was about to say something, "Look Sadia-"

"JUST BECAUSE I WANT A FUTURE UNLIKE YOU!!" Sadia was on the verge of tears and her head was filled with anger. "SO I DON'T BECOME A LOWLY HOUSEWIFE! Do you know how freaking difficult the IB program is? I barely have time to eat. How the hell will praying help me?!!"

"Oh Allah what did I do to get such ungrateful children," Sadia's mother whispered. She looked like she was about to break down.

Sadia frowned again and ran upstairs. The one time I try to stop being obsessed with school and she gets so freaking mad. Baba was sleeping upstairs, as it was late. She passed Alisha's room and heard something.

"Hehe, that's true!" Alisha giggled. 

Who the hell does she always talk too?! Sadia stormed in her room to see Alisha on her bed with her laptop and her phone against her ear. 

Alisha looked annoyed. "What do you want?!" she practically yelled.

"Who are you always talking to?!" Sadia said, trying not to falter.

Alisha, not even moving her phone from her ear, said, "i'm talking to my friend. Sorry girl, my little sister's bothering me. Why don't you finish up the notes and send them to me later. Ok." She quickly put her phone away. "Don't come in my room like that again you idiot, now get the-"

Sadia just left before Alisha could say anything else. She guessed wrong. As she sat down at her desk, she glanced up at the clock. 11:00. It was time for Isha prayer, one of the five daily prayers.

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