cosmic ties - last edited in dec. 2023

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it is so difficult to love.

an extension of yourself, offering your roots

to an unknown force, 

malicious or benevolent

it begs the question.

is anyone truly "in love" 

masking the exhaustion 

breathlessness from breathing

the same air as them? 

or is it a lie we tell ourselves

"i love you" 

but you feel queasy when they touch you

a reminder of your infidelity to the cosmos

i am not made to be loved

i am a supermassive black hole

this Earth's atmosphere is my event horizon

i am drowning in the air's oxygen.

i am a stellar phenomenon

you'd think that's egotism, but all supernovae do is decimate

they turn light to darkness

dull light to infinite void

this thing we call "love" is a lie.

blank space.

cannon fodder.

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