Chapter 21 : The Dawning of Realization

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Gotham City was quiet, with the winds blowing in the air, causing the trees to sway and the leaves to fall from the branch. Despite the terrible news which Bruce Wayne was also missing after his wife was abducted from her workplace, the city continues to enjoy its slumber time. A car roared along the highway, breaking the silence as it crossed the city limits and into the city proper. Four people were in the car, three male and one female. They were all justly worried for Bruce, their mentor and adopted father, as well as Isabella, who they now realize that they have misjudged her. After Dick Grayson had a one-to-one session with Alfred after believing in the tale that Isabella had been the third wheel in his adopted father's relationship with Selina Kyle and wanted to break them up because of her love for Bruce, the elderly butler gave the young man an earful.

Alfred had always treated Bruce as his son and his adopted children as his grandchildren, but he was not afraid to call them out when they made mistakes. Alfred criticised Dick for his hastiness in siding with Selina and answered his question by telling the whole story about how Bruce and Isabella met. Dick then relayed the information to the rest of the family who also sided with Selina, and they showed remorse, as they know Bruce had expected them to do better, but they were manipulated by her lies to turn their backs on Isabella, who is hurt when she found out. 

"What do we do now?" the passenger seated in the passenger seat next to the driver asked. "We placed too much of our faith in Selina. Bruce was clearly outraged when Isabella told him what happened."

"Not to mention that he always showed affection towards her both in public and private." the female passenger said. "Even though Luke said that he needed sunglasses to shield himself from their public display of affection." 

"Isabella's not going to trust us now after what we did." the driver said. "I'll admit, she is pretty cool in her own right, serving with the military and handpicked to join an elite black ops team." 

"Bruce and Isabella had been married for more than ten years, and we mistrusted her for almost three years thanks to Selina." the passenger in the passenger seat said. "I hate myself, why did I fell for it?"

"I don't know about you guys." the remaining male passenger spoke. "But Isabella was still friendly towards me." 

"Because you didn't believe in whatever she said Duke." the female passenger countered. "And because you also took time to ask Bruce how he met Isabella." 

"Gotham's crime rates have been dropping since the government paid attention, so what did you guys do with the spare time you have?" 

"Hanging out?"

"You guys could've used the time to visit Wayne Manor. If you guys had taken the time to ask them both this situation would not have happened." 

"You think there is still time for Isabella to join us for our movie night?" the driver asked. 

"Might be a slim to zero chance." the female passenger said. "Bruce is mad right now, but Isabella might never show up."

Wayne Manor

The car reached the gates of the manor, the gates opening on their own for the car to pass through. Secret Service agents motioned for them to stop and some shined flashlights into the car, as it was night after all. An agent approached them, a flashlight in one hand and another hand pressed against his earpiece. "Get Brock and Montgomery." the agent said. "We needed to be sure that the three of them are not here to harm the children." One Secret Service agent lowered the flashlight and ran back to the manor. "What brings you here Mr Thomas?" the agent asked politely. 

"I heard that Bruce and Isabella had been kidnapped so I thought that I should come here and see what is going on." 

"Ok." the agent said. "But... do you know that you're sitting with people that you shouldn't be with?"

"How so?"

"We have been keeping an eye on that woman and we found out that the people you're currently with, have been in contact with her, even after she is incarcerated." the agent reported. "Considering that she had tried to kill the former president we have tracked down her known associates and kept an eye on them, as they might just finish what she has left off. We do acknowledge that the former First Gentleman had multiple adopted children but after what we have discovered, all of them are now under suspicion." 

"Including me?"

"We did, but after a few months of tracking and keeping an eye on you, you're cleared." Both agents Timothy Brock and Montgomery arrived and the agent turned off the flashlight before briefing the two agents about the situation. Both agents folded their arms as they listened and as they did so their brows began to furrow. One of them approached the vehicle and held up his badge. 

"Special Agent In Charge Timothy Brock." he introduced himself. "I lead the team in charge of the security detail protecting the former president." There was complete silence in the vehicle, as the four of them knew who he was and what he did. "We'll follow the protocol in accordance to every guest that steps foot into the residence of the former First Family." he added. "But we'll be keeping a close eye on the three of you." he said, with a hint of warning in his voice. "As we have determined your security clearance once you step foot in the compound." With that out of the way an agent waved at his fellow agents and the flashlights were turned off simultaneously, allowing the car to pass and approach the stairs connecting the manor to the paved road. Alfred Pennyworth was waiting by the heavy wooden doors when the four approached. 

"Master Todd, Master Drake, Miss Brown, and Master Thomas." the elderly butler greeted. "Please, do come in." he said. 

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