Chapter 6

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Inosuke POV

Hopping after Doma-sama, I think Where is he taking me? He said there was food?  I felt myself start to salivate just thinking about it.

I heard Doma-sama sigh. "Try not to lose your cool there. I must say, the humans there are quite delicious. You have to avoid suspicion. Thankfully you look human!" He warned me. I nodded. I cannot pounce on every person I see.

"Also," He said. I looked up. "You might wanna take that boar head off and put on a shirt." Oh yeah.

~Fast forward and they reach~

"Welcome to the Entertainment District!" Doma-sama exclaimed. I look around. There were inn-like structures around and people were everywhere! Even at night! Standing at the balcony on the inns, I see young ladies. Around 16-25, waving at us. Uncertainty, I wave back.

"Oh don't encourage them," Doma-sama said. "They're just looking for business," I look away from them and focus on my feet. I was starting to get dizzy. So many people. Fresh and young. I'm hungry. I start glancing at people, thinking about eating them. Doma-sama sighs again. "Let's go," He drags me to a dark alley. I feel the air clear once more and I sigh in relief. Then, in walks in a prostitute. I look at Doma-sama. He nods. I grab her neck and twist it. "Hm, I think we should help you develop your blood demon art." Doma-sama murmurs. We? I thought. Who else other than Doma-sama? Chomping on the girl, I looked up.

In walked two... uh. Demons. Their eyes both said "Upper 6".

"This is Gyutaro-dono," Doma-sama points to a dude. "And Daki-chan!" He points to a girl.

Gyutaro is a tall man of fairly muscular build, with a pale gray complexion speckled with black blotches. His anatomy was quite strange in that his upper torso, arms, and legs were all defined with musculature, whereas his waist was incredibly skinny to the point of looking skeletal, with his pelvis jutting out at an unnatural angle. His spine was prominently visible through his back, and he was usually shown being hunched over. Gyutaro possessed thin, green and red eyes, their sclera bright yellow-orange, that were slanted drastically downwards at the sides, giving him a permanently haggard gaze. (Credits to the fandom)

Daki was a tall woman with lime green eyes, long eyelashes, and very pale skin. Her black hair was styled in a full, long ponytail with kanzashi hair pins holding up the ponytail. She had a pink flower-patterned obi wrapped around her waist. She sported 2 pink flower-like demon crests on her face, one on her cheek and another on her forehead. She wore a two-piece version of her kimono consisting of magenta pink pants tied by long, black bows on the sides and with two magenta pieces of cloth that cover her chest. She had magenta thigh-high stockings with black flower patterns and tall three-legged mitsu-ashi shoes. (Credits to the fandom again 🙂)

"Gonito-dono and Ducky," I acknowledge. They both glare at me.

"Haha, sorry. He's bad with names," Doma-sama says.

"No, I'm not, Dona-sama," I say. They stare at me again. Doma-sama sighs and shakes his head. Daki stares at me like I just said the most useless information in the world. She would have looked prettier if she didn't look like poop was forever under her nose.

"Man... you have a pretty face..." Gyutaro-dono mutters and scratches himself. "How fortunate," He's creepy.

"Anyway, let's start with training!" Doma-sama says in a cheery tone. I ready myself in a fighting stance. Looking as serious as possible.

"Not here silly!" Doma-sama chuckles. "We're gonna teach you how to hunt." I go red in embarrassment.

"Well, for starters, I just eat my followers. I keep a low profile." Doma-sama explains.

"I use my obi and trap people in it. I eat them underground." Daki says, looking haughty. Ugh

"My sister normally helps both of us. I keep watch of her." Gyutaro-dono mutters.

I nod. "Please tell me more about your blood demon art. How do you develop them?"

Doma grins and explains. "My blood demon art is called Cryokinesis. I can generate ice and frost from my flesh and blood and can spawn it anywhere in my vicinity, as well as manipulate it at will. In combat, I usually incorporate my cryokinetic abilities with Tessenjutsu, enhancing my fan attacks with ice and frost." (Credits to the fandom 😁)

"Mine is called Obi Sash Manipulation. It allows me to create flower-patterned obi sashes from my flesh, as well as freely manipulating them at will. My sashes are soft like silk yet as sharp as a Nichirin Sword." Daki boasts. "My sashes have a unique property that allows me to store objects, usually humans I want to eat, inside my sashes. I trap them inside the sashes by transforming the objects I wish to store into 2 dimensional flat versions of them," (More credits! 🤭)

"Blood manipulation." Gyutaro-dono simply stated, scratching himself. "I have sickles made out of my blood and flesh. It's poisonous." Gyutaro-dono glares at me, as if I were a smelly sock in his food.

Daki starts to whine. "This is boring, talking about techniques. Can we hunt now?" What a baby. "Onii-chan!" She says. Then, she looks at me and bats her eyelashes like crazy. I don't understand girls. So I ask her if there is a fly stuck in her eye.

Daki's POV

I look at the new guy. He looks so pretty. Like a girl. Yet he's so muscular. My dream guy. I bat my eyelashes a bit. I'll show him how awesome I am. He'll definitely fall for me. Onii-chan said I'm pretty.

"Follow me," I say. "I know this place best." I give Inosuke-kun a wink and speed off.

Meanwhile, Inosuke's POV

I thought the fly had gotten out of her eye. But she turned back to me and blinked her left eye. I'm seriously worried for her eyes. I run after her, Doma-sama and Gyutaro-dono behind me. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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