14. Always You Two

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"Why is it, when something happens, it is always you two?"

James wanted to laugh, in all honesty. He knew he was way too relaxed for this morning meeting with McGonagall as soon as Rose had come to tell him he was expected in her office.

Covering his mouth to suppress a smirk, James glanced sideways, not needing to see Nora's face to sense her fury. As soon as he had entered the office, the temperature seemed to spike around her, her cheeks flaming with anger.

"That was not a rhetorical question," McGonagall stated sharply after their silence lingered too long, her expression stern and unyielding. "I expect a proper response, not this silence!"

James flinched at the sharpness in her tone, but Nora remained stoic.

"I don't even know why I'm here," Nora said, ever so innocently as she sat up straight, though still visibly angry.

James scoffed.

"He was the one who purposely decided to drown the entirety of Ravenclaw! Purposely!"

"Psh, nobody drowned."

"Mr. Potter," McGonagall began, fixing him with a look that sent a chill down his spine, "I am well aware that you know of Miss Mercer's incident at Beauxbatons that led to her expulsion. It seems you have chosen to exploit someone else's misfortune for amusement! Again!"

James sunk lower in his chair as guilt washed over him, his earlier amusement fading into discomfort.

"And Miss Mercer," McGonagall turned her piercing gaze to Nora, "do not pretend innocence in this affair. We have two students under the influence, now confined to the Hospital Wing for a month, missing critical lessons!"

    Nora bristled under McGonagall's stern look, her voice tinged with defiance. "But Professor, it's hardly fair to blame—"

"Fair?" McGonagall interrupted sharply. "You think administering love potions without consent speaks of fairness? This is about responsibility, Miss Mercer!"

James shifted uncomfortably, interjecting, "In her def—in our defence, this was just our Halloween tradition, we didn't think it'd go this far."

He could see Nora turn to him, confused.

"That much is painfully obvious, Mr. Potter," McGonagall retorted. "It seems your capacity for foresight is as shallow as a puddle on a dry day."

Nora's jaw tightened, her hands clenching into fists in her lap. "I may have done something I shouldn't have, but he did something worse."

McGonagall tutted in exasparation, diverting her gaze to the ceiling. "For Merlin's sake, I will not compare your techniques in insipid, frivolous pranking. And this isn't just pranking, it's reckless endangerment of your fellow classmates!"

James swallowed hard, his usual confidence deflating under the headmistress's gaze. "We really didn't mean for anyone to get hurt."

    "Intentions, Mr. Potter, do not mitigate the consequences of your actions," McGonagall said firmly. "You both will have detention until further notice, and I expect a written apology to the affected students and their families. And Mr. Potter, you are barred from participating in Quidditch practice for the next two weeks."

"What?" James exclaimed, his face a mix of confusion and disbelief. "You're punishing me more? How is that fair?"

"Fairness is not about equal punishment, but appropriate response," McGonagall replied sternly. "Your actions were not only reckless but premeditated, drawing on past incidents that should not be glorified."

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