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Yoongi woke up to some sounds as he stirred from his sleep. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times to adjust to the surroundings. It was his own room in Jin's mansion

He sat up on his bed, feeling his eyes burning after such a short sleep.

He could hear someone whining and shouting in distress. It seemed like Taehyung's voice. He quickly got out of bed, feeling confused about what could be happening.

As he went outside his room and looked downstairs, he saw Taehyung shouting at Jungkook, pleading and apologizing, clearly terrified of something.

"It's not fair, Jungkook! I already said that I am sorry and I don't want to be punished, especially by you!" He said with fear as he pointed at him.

Bur Jungkook just shrugged casually, "Not my fault and I don't have a say in this, Tae. Jin hyung's the one who told me to punish you, and I have to follow it. It's your own fault that resulted in you going over my lap and you don't have any choice but to accept it." He said as he lifted him up by his collar and Yoongi could see Taehyung struggling against the maknae's tight grip, attempting to escape.

Despite his efforts, the bunny dragged the poor dom inside, whistling casually as Tae whined loudly, looking like he's almost going to cry.

Even though Jungkook was Taehyung's sub, everyone knew that beneath his innocent face lay an unmatchable strength.

Physically, kook was always the top, earning him the nickname 'muscle bunny'.

Yoongi sighed as he felt a little guilty, knowing that Taehyung was going to get punished partly because of him.

Nevertheless, he returned to his room and reached for his phone, only to notice a small note beside it, adorned with the same cat figurine like before. He slid up the note and started to read.

'Welcome back to the mansion, Yoongi. You fell asleep on the way while we drove back home. I didn't want to wake you up and so, I carried you to your room and decided to let you sleep for while. I hope you're feeling better now. However, you know that we need to have a talk about the consequences you'll need to face. So, come to my room as soon as you see this note.

- Jin'

Yoongi exhaled softly as he noticed that there was no smiling face at the end of the letter, unlike last time. He couldn't quite pinpoint why, but it made him a little sad and from the tone of the letter, he could sense that Jin was being serious. He knew that he messed up big this time.

He then put the letter down beside the cat figurine and sighed heavily. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

He glanced at the clock and saw that it was 1 a.m., well into the midnight hours. He then thought about all the things that happened, from the bullying at college to leaving the bus early to visit a bar, to Jin coming to find him, their conversation about their struggles in their past and then, finally, the kiss.

His ears reddened at the memory and he absentmindedly touched his lips, feeling its warmth. With a soft sigh, he shook his head to clear those thoughts and made his way to Jin's room.

He stood outside, hesitating for a moment before knocking on the door. His heart raced as he waited for a response, not knowing what Jin had in hand as his punishment.

He then heard the elder's voice telling to come in. With a soft sigh, he pushed open the door and entered the room.

He saw Jin sitting on the edge of the bed, engrossed in a book with his glasses on. Jin glanced up, his expression softening as he saw Yoongi. He then motioned with his hand for him to come closer as he set the back aside. He seemed calm but also stern.

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