Revelation part 1

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Pez's POV
I am sitting beside Mandy waiting patiently to what she has to tell me I'm quite scared and shocked right now what the hell happened in last one hour , we were just enjoying our  date and everything was going smoothly and suddenly it tuk tuk 90 degree turn. At a time we were going to Mandy's house then out of nowhere a car came and hit our bumper  that came as a shocker to me but when I looked at Mandy she was calm and composed. Then she asked to trust her and let me be truthful I have blind trust in her. So I just knew she will get me out of it. She then drifted the car and u turned leaving all the cars trailing far behind. I know this is not the time to think like this but damn when she pulled the hand break and turned the staring at her veins which were visible making her look really sexy. I for a moment forgot we were in danger. Snap out Pez this is not the place I scolded myself. We shortly reached Mandy's house, but man that's mansion not a house. After freshening up I satbeside Mandy and waited for explanation.

"So it all started 35 years ago there was a prestigious family that comes from old money The Mandhana group of companies. The head of the family was Mahima Mandhana who bind the family together after the departure of her husband Alok Mandhana by running the business,she had two sons the elder one Shrinivas Mandhana and younger one Shreenath Mandhana. They both were happily married. Mahima Mandhana decided to retire and the position was given to Shrinivas as he was more capable and calculated businessman than Shreenath. He took the company to new heights in the span of just 5 years and became Asia's richest person. This success was not digested by Shreenath but his only hope to get the company was having an heir of the business. He had a son named Abhishek and was confident enough to think that his position for the CEO position was confirmed as the elder couple were facing difficulty in conceiving . But to his shock or we could say by gods miracle they turned to be parents of a daughter.

He knew that a male would be the rightful heir to the Mandhana group of companies but another shocker blew his way when he saw the daughter was really smart for her age and if she continued at such pace, she would probably snatch the position too. Then he along with his wife waited for the perfect opportunity to strike the hammer.

Like this 10 years passed and the daughter turned ten. She was left home with nanny, as her parents needed to attend an event but little did she know that it would be her last time seeing them. They were on their way to the venue the bodyguards were following behind them when a truck ran into their from their left hand side. The impact was so powerful that Mrs Smita Mandhana died on the spot but Mr Mandhana was still breathing. The bodyguards shifted them to the nearest hospital but after monitoring him for one hour and he too took his last breath and left behind a huge business and a little girl in this cruel world.

This news when told to-the daughter by her grandmother she broke down and cried hysterically. Then the grandmother took it upon herself to teach her everything about business and took care of her while doing it. As she was quick learner she instantly grabbed the new information.

But this was not enough that god snatched the remaining person who cared for her, when she turned 15 her grandmother passed away, leaving a lonely teenager in the hands of her cunning uncle and aunt. Who took her responsibility but it was all setup and soon they started to show their true colours. They would have killed the daughter too but because of the will they couldn't harm her in anyway. It was like the parents were always aware of the danger they have behind their back so because of that they prepared a will stating clearly that all their shares would be transferred to her when she turns 18 and if something happens to her then all the shares price money would be donated to the orphanages and old age houses. Because of this the uncle tried to not
harm her physically but the mental torcher her kept going on till 18 she completed her schooling and university online and early as she was smart and took over the business and then she started receiving threats every other day due to which she lost some of her very close people. She is still collecting the evidences that will prove that her uncle is the culprit for the accident. The uncle here and there still tried to threaten her but is not able to achieve it and hopefully would not in future too with people she cares for as this time she is not a teenager who could see everything and couldn't do anything but now she is independent lady who knows where to strike and where it hurts the most. And you would probably know that I am that daughter." She said dangerously but with hint of sadness and the atmosphere turned gloomy and i did the first thing that came to my mind and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and placed her head on my shoulder. I drew the circles on her back as she calmed down a little now.

"You are so strong baby so strong" I said while kissing her head multiple times. After staying in the same position for half an hour I decided to break the silence.

Pez: Mandy, I had no idea about your past. That's incredibly intense. How did you cope with everything?

Smriti: It wasn't easy, Pez. Losing my parents at such a young age and then discovering the truth about my uncle's betrayal was a lot to handle.

Pez: I can't even imagine what you went through. How did you manage to stay strong through all of it?

Smriti: Honestly, I don't know. I guess I just refused to let their actions define me. I had to fight for myself, for what was rightfully mine, and for justice.

Pez: That takes so much courage. How did you feel when you finally took over the company?

Smriti: It was a mix of emotions, Pez. Relief, because I knew I was finally in control of my own life. But also sadness, because it was a stark reminder of everything I had lost.

Pez: It's incredible how you've turned such a tragic situation into something empowering. Do you ever think about what could have been if things had been different?

Smriti: Sometimes, but I try not to dwell on it. I believe everything happens for a reason, and maybe this was meant to make me stronger, to prepare me for the challenges ahead.

Pez: Well, you've certainly proven yourself capable of overcoming anything. I'm honored to know you, Mandy.

Smriti: Thank you, Pez. Your support means a lot to me. And if there's one thing I've learned from my past, it's the importance of having good people by your side.... (She pause for a minute & asked)
So yea this was my story are you like not scared of the baggage i am carrying around huh.

Pez: um no because i love you the way you are. You are perfect with your flaws and baggage.( i said kissing her forehead)

Smriti: are you not afraid.. wait what did you say right now?

Pez: that you are perfect with the flaws( I shrugged her teasingly because i am well aware of what she is asking)

Smriti: no before that...

Pez: that i love you and yes i mean it from the bottom of my heart and soul. And you don't have to say it back say when you actually feel ok.

Smriti: i love you too, yes i love you more than myself Jaan as you are my jaan. Thank you for being there for me and sticking around even after hearing the truth.

Saying this she pulled me into a deep kiss in which she poured all her emotions in it.

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