54 Alliances

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"Well done. I'm impressed," Kreese told the group. The snack-nappers stood in a line before him after Evie dropped the snake into its new home. She stood between Hawk and Robby as their sensei continued to sing their praise, "You showed fearlessness, leadership... Now those are the qualities you need to be a true champion."

He walked down the line, eyeing them each carefully. Until he got to Evie, where he showed her a quick smirk of pride before he washed it away with his seriousness. He put a hand on her shoulder as a part of his congratulations. "Good job."

She stood a little straighter, smirking back at him as a sense of pride filled her chest. He looked at no one else but her and she knew that it was because she'd outshined the likes of Robby and Kyler. They were undeserving of the high praise but her determination to see the mission through was only one example to come of what she was like as a leader, a champion. She'd show them all what it meant to be at the top of the food chain; to be a phoenix.

Kreese took a step back and addressed the rest of the group. "See what you can accomplish when you work together? Alliances are important, for us and for the enemy, because you better believe that they are making alliances too.

Everyone was quiet for a moment, then Robby asked, "What alliances?"

"Oh, you didn't hear," Kreese said and shook his head. "Diaz and, uh, that LaRusso girl are working together."

Evie scoffed, her attitude shifting as she was reminded of what her aunt had told her. About how Miguel and Sam had teamed up to tell the city council why they needed the All Valley Tournament, how they needed somewhere to compete safely and fairly.

As Kreese broke it down to Robby, Evie couldn't help thinking about how it was a load of shit. Her anger didn't overshadow her thankfulness that the tournament was reinstated, but she wouldn't give her gratitude to the enemy. However, whenever she heard of Miguel and Sam together, it lit a fire deep inside her. How Tory was hanging around the two of them was beyond Evie. She could never stoop to their level and yet Tory had followed Miguel into the Miyagi-Do den as if Sam hadn't kissed him. They acted like everything was fine, as if Sam hadn't tried to steal him away from Tory and they were the best of friends now.

First Demetri, now Miguel and Tory?

That was enough. Something had to be done.

When Kreese finished, he said it was getting late and dismissed the students.

Evie barely heard him. She turned and walked out of the dojo, Hawk hot on her heels.

"Evie, wait up!" he called after her.

She slowed down as she turned to look at him, angry and heated words on the tip of her tongue. "Why can't she leave well enough alone? Why does Little Miss Perfect have to ruin everything, huh?"

He came to stand with her, grabbing her hand. But she was too riled up to hold his hand and pulled away, making a tight fist. He let her, knowing she was frustrated. "Hey, it's okay."

"It's not okay," she told him, shaking her head. "They haven't learned a damn thing. Especially not Sam. She thinks she can just have whatever and whoever she wants just because she bats her eyes and cries a little bit. Well, that's not gonna happen this time."

He stared at her, then nodded. "So what are you thinking?"

"They want to buddy up with Eagle Fang, fine. We're stronger than they are combined, so let's show them that," she told him. She turned and dug into her jacket pocket, finding her keys and unlocking her car. "You take Kyler to get Rickenberger and Edwin. I'll go get Mikey and the others. We're gonna show them who rules over the Valley once and for all."

Match in the Gas Tank || Eli "Hawk" MoskowitzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora