Chapter Twenty Four

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"Thanks for coming, Charlotte." Lando smiled as he opened the door to his hotel room the next morning.

"What's going on?" She asked, following him inside. "Oh, hi Hannah!" She greeted her in surprise, turning back to Lando with a raised eyebrow.

"She flew in late last night." He explained. "But we need your help."

Hannah looked awkward. "I'm so sorry, I know this isn't your job and I don't want you to get in trouble." Hannah sighed. "I'm just not really sure who I can trust to ask."

Charlotte turned back to Lando. "You can go and get us all a coffee while Hannah explains to me."


"Don't argue with me. It's supposed to be my day off. Just go." Charlotte ordered.

Hannah couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face as he sighed in defeat and headed for the door. "I'm so sorry I didn't realise it was your day off, he never said. I can-"

"No, no. It's fine." Charlotte waved a hand dismissively, sitting herself down on the sofa so she was facing Hannah. "I just like winding him up, god knows he's caused me enough stress over the years. Gotta get my own back when I can, right?"

Hannah nodded. "He's great though."

"He really likes you." Charlotte smiled. "I didn't know you two were back together?"

Hannah looked awkward. "I er I don't know that we are. It's complicated I guess?" She offered.

"Don't hurt him, that's all I ask." Charlotte said softly. "He's one of the kindest people I've ever met."

"I know, I don't want to drag him into all this but he won't stay out of it." Hannah sighed. This was exactly what she'd been trying to avoid.

"Speaking of, all this...." Charlotte raised an eyebrow. "I saw you'd cancelled the rest of the tour. How does this lead to you being sat here in Vegas with me?"

"Cassie." Hannah sighed, rubbing her hands across her face. She was exhausted. Despite the comfort of being back in Lando's embrace last night, she still hadn't managed to shut her mind off enough to sleep.

"Go on. I can't help you fix it if you don't tell me." Charlotte prompted.

Hannah took a breath. Every time she said it out loud it sounded worse and worse. "She um... Joe was cheating on me. I did sort of know about it, he convinced me it was all my fault for being away so much. But it turns out it was Cassie he was with."

"Oh..." the quiet gasp escaped Charlotte and she clapped her hand over her mouth.

"She came up with this whole scheme for me to date Lando knowing I would end up writing an album about the break up with Joe. She said she figured with Lando's reputation he'd cheat on me and it would look like it was written about him. Then when he didn't, she engineered the whole thing. Sent Luisa and a load of photographers to that club and then kept the two of us away from eachother so he couldn't tell me the truth. They moved up the release date on the album, in all the promo said it had been made really recently and well, people put the dots together wrong didn't they?"

Charlotte shook her head in disbelief. "I can't believe she'd do something like that. That's insane."

Hannah was quiet for a minute. "I can't quite work out if it was just her. The record label are denying all knowledge and have fired her, but it seems like so much for her to pull off on her own? It's made me so paranoid about who I can trust."

"I can see why you'd feel like that. So what are we going to do? How can I help?" Charlotte asked.

"I don't know." Hannah admitted. "I have lawyers looking at my contract with the label to see if there's an out. I'm going to have to do the final leg of the tour at some point, I owe it to the fans. But I've seen what they're saying about me online and I don't know what to do. I can't exactly go out there and tell them what happened, not the truth anyway, but I'm going to have to do something."

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now