Twists and Tensions: Shadows of the Past

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Roxanne sighed in secret relief when he finally let go of her hand. She leaped up as soon as she could place some distance between them. "Thank you, and sorry again for troubling you."The man frowned slightly at her words but did not respond.Roxanne glanced at the mess on the kitchen floor and made to get up."What are you doing?" The sullen voice sounded again.Roxanne froze. "The floor needs cleaning up," she said. "The children might step on the shards."Lucian's scowl deepened.Despite this woman's stellar credentials, she can't even take care of herself!Roxanne grew anxious at the man's gloomy expression, not knowing what she had done wrong this time.Could it be because of the trouble she had caused him earlier?After careful consideration, Roxanne was about to apologize when he spoke again."You can't get your bandage wet. Let me find you a housekeeper."Without giving her a chance to respond, Lucian gave his assistant a call.After his dinner, Cayden was about to wash up and tuck in when he suddenly received a call from his employer. He picked up the phone nervously."Find me housekeeper and deliver them to No. 32 of Durwest Garden within half an hour*Cayden was stunned. Before he managed to formulate his question, the other had already hung up.After gazing at his darkened screen in confusion for several seconds, Cayden contacted a housekeeping company and personally escorted the housekeeper to the address as instructed by Lucian."They're on their way," Lucian informed Roxanne in a low voice after hanging up.Roxanne's protests ceased as he had already found a housekeeper. She seated herself some distance away from him.The three children sat between the two adults and exchanged glances in silence.The atmosphere in the living room was stiff.Nearly twenty minutes later, the doorbell was a relief as it broke the uncomfortable silence in the living room.Roxanne was about to get up to answer the door, but Lucian arrived first."Mr. Farwell." Cayden stood on the other end with a middle-aged woman with short hair.Lucian stood sideways as he beckoned them in.The housekeeper cleaned the kitchen with surprising efficiency while striking up an animated conversation with the three children as she worked.She amused the children so much they could not stop laughing.After seeing how fond the children were of the housekeeper, Roxanne was struck with an idea. She decided to take the initiative to ask, "Excuse me. I'd like to ask if you would consider working here full time. Your main duties will be caring for the children with some housekeeping now and then. I'll leave the salary to you."The woman readily agreed, "I would love to; I happen to like children. You can call me Lysa."Roxanne breathed a sigh of relief at how little effort it took.Having expected to go to further lengths than that for a suitable nanny, she was surprised to find such a promising candidate so easily."Come over tomorrow morning," Roxanne proposed after a brief discussion regarding Lysa's salary range. "I will draw up the contract by then. You can sign it if everything is in order."Lysa nodded in response. After bidding the others farewell, she departed with her tools and left the few of them in the living room once again.Though Roxanne's mood improved after the chat with Lysa, her stiff formality returned when she turned to Lucian. "I'm sorry for the trouble of bandaging my wound and finding me a housekeeper. I owe you one."A strange glint flitted across Lucian's deep eyes. He quickly suppressed the arising feeling and responded with a similar detachment, "Don't mention it. Essie and I were the ones to trouble you in the first place. Consider these trivial matters a token of my gratitude."Estella nodded in vigorous agreement with her father's words. She even ran over to grab Roxanne's wrist and stared at her bandaged finger for a long time.Roxanne smiled as she stroked the little girl's head. "It's all right. Don't worry. It doesn't hurt at all."Estella blinked as she touched Roxanne's fingers delicately. Upon ascertaining that there was indeed no problem, she looked up and gave the latter a sweet smile.Roxanne's heart softened at the child's tenderness."It's getting late. We have intruded upon your kind hospitality long enough." Lucian cleared his throat as he lowered his gaze to Estella. "Say goodbye to Ms. Jarvis and the boys, Essie."Looking as if she did not want to, Estella waved to the boys obediently at the prospect of seeing them the following day.The two boys reciprocated her smile and waved. "Wait for us at the kindergarten tomorrow!"Essie nodded vigorously.Lucian took the little girl's hand and, with a final goodbye to the three, turned to leave.It was only when she watched his car disappear out of the driveway that Roxanne relaxed completely.i ne two boys seemed reluctant to part with their guests as they stared into the distance for a long time without taking their eyes off the spot Lucian's car had disappeared.Roxanne thought they missed Estella. "Come on, boys. Let's go inside," she said softly. "You'll see Essie tomorrow."The two boys looked away slowly and followed her back to the mansion.After shutting the door, Roxanne bent down to look solemnly into the eyes of her two sons. "I have something to tell you boys."Archie and Benny were puzzled at the sight of her seriousness."If Essie's father ever asks how old you are, you are to tell him that you're one year younger than her. Do you understand?"The boys understood at once, yet they pretended not to. "Why?" they demanded.Roxanne hesitated, at a loss for an explanation, before sighing helplessly. "There is no reason. Just do as I say, please?"The boys exchanged another glance before nodding slowly.Archie did not betray a hint of emotion. His brother, however, looked confused.It's clear why Mommy wants us to tell Daddy that we are one year younger than Essie. It's to make it impossible for him to find out that we are his. What happened between Mommy and Daddy? He was kind to her, wasn't he? Why doesn't Mommy want him to know that we are his children?It was nearly ten when Lucian arrived home with Estella.The butler was already waiting at the door."Ms. Pearson is waiting for you inside, Mr. Farwell."Lucian's brows furrowed at the news. With a nod at the butler, he strode in with Estella."You're home!"

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