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*** Sorry for the delay, life has been busy.  We probably only have a few more chapters to go. I think I've finally managed to write a short story!!

The next month disappears in a whirlwind. Against all odds, Finn has made good on his promise. Dare and Harris now have a lot more money for their charity to spend. He spends evenings touring sites but likes nothing. He's being very picky and wants something as good as the land they lost out on when their grant fell through. On nights he's home he still works, often talking to the people in Michigan or drafting letters and emails to city inspectors and whoever will help him make this dream a reality.

I spend many of my days doing videos and chatting with my subscribers and have managed to build up a fanbase. Somehow. I only had to hit the streets twice this month and maybe, fingers crossed, I will do even less in the future. After Harris finishes up his work for the evening we spend time working on my cosmetology school applications, eating pizza, watching movies, and hanging out in the hot tub and pool which they opened just this week.

I have applied to two different programs because Harris says broadening my options will give me a better chance at scholarships and funding. We also fill out applications with the state of California's continuing education program and a few private corporations and charities, hoping to lower the cost from fifteen thousand to something I can actually make the payments on without hitting the streets. So far I have heard nothing except for acceptance into one program which is very good but focuses a bit more on make-up than hair. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the other I applied to.

Nixon, both my plant and the man, seem to be doing better. He has a small apartment not too far from us and Harris stops by at least once a week on his way home from work. He's a saint, truly. Harris, not Nixon. Even sober Nixon isn't exactly a bag of fun. As for the cactus, transplanting it into mostly sand and drenching it just once a month seems to be the way to go. I fervently hope that the real Nixon isn't getting drenched at all. Harris says he is going to AA meetings and wants to apologize to me if I'm willing. I haven't quite gotten up the courage yet but I know it is part of his process and I should go see him.

Harris has left the rent check for me to drop off at the office and I'm more than happy to do it on my way to get some breakfast. Harris somehow survives mostly on trail mix, fruit and swiss cheese but I need real food, like donuts. It's also next to the dollar store and I want to get us something fun for the pool.

When I walk into the rental office it looks different than the last time I was here. For one, the landlord usually has pictures tacked to every surface. I don't hate it, at all, but they're gone. Second, there's a bright orange 'For Sale' sign taped to his desk and a stack of brochures on top. Bob is there like always, his weathered face smiling as he takes the check. "You're with" and he looks at the check, "Neilson, yeah. Tell him to start looking for another spot, only offer I've gotten so far is some folks who want to put a solar farm here so I doubt there's a huge rush but I don't want him stuck. I'm sending out letters this week with all the info."

Those words were all English and though I speak less of it than I used to, I follow along fine. Still, none of that makes any sense. "Wait, what? Can you explain again?" And then the 'For Sale' sign makes sense and I realize he's not selling the desk. "The, uh, neighborhood is for sale?"

"Yeah, gonna retire. Have a couple of empty units already and two vacant lots so it's a good time. Gonna miss it, kinda helped me put myself back together after 'Nam. Just giving Neilson a heads-up since he's a Vet too."

I feel a bit like I've been sucked up by a tornado but no one ever accused me of being slow on my feet. "How long?"

"Eh, whenever I get a decent offer. Hoping someone will keep running it as is, ya know? Don't need more yuppy mansions or a fucking solar farm around here but money talks."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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