Chapter Twenty-Three

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I'm so ready for some fun, some good, honest fun where I can expend some of my excess energy healthily. The last few days have been more chilled within our confined space in the hotel suite, especially since Rose has more of her belongings. James even got a thank you from her alongside Charlie when she finally came out of her room after sorting through everything we brought.

On the other hand, I didn't get a single word of thanks. However, she has been more tolerant toward me and less bratty, making my life much more pleasant. It has also given me time with Tyler and James, letting me explore our new relationship without interruption and getting used to it before I tell Kyle and Dean my decision.

Nuzzling further into Tyler's side, where I'm curled up in the back of James's SUV, Tyler draws patterns with his fingers on my bare skin at my hip where my top has ridden up as we listen to Charlie and James banter with each other.

Seeing James's seeking eyes search for me through his rearview mirror again, I smirk back at him, causing the corner of his lips to twitch as he attempts not to smile. His five-clock shadow gives him a slightly rugged look, adding another level of handsomeness.

"The way you look at James would make me jealous if I didn't know you look exactly the same way at me," Tyler whispers amusingly in my ear.

Cheeks heating in embarrassment, I hide my head in Tyler's muscular chest, the silent jostle of his chest hiding his laughter.

Pulling me in tighter to his body, molding me to him, he kisses the top of my head. Feeling the car stop, I reluctantly pull myself away from the comfort of Tyler's arms and look out the window to see Kyle's car. Excited to see Kyle and Dean again and inform them of my decision, I unbuckle mine and Tyler's belts and open the door beside him.

"In a hurry, beautiful" Tyler grins

"Uh-huh," I agree. "Laser tag, Ty"

"Really?" James asks skeptically, coming to my other side and sliding his arm around my waist. "Or is it because of those two miscreants?" James jokes. 

Pushing James away, he bumps into Charlie, making them all laugh. "Come on, I want to play." I tell them.

"Play laser tag, I hope, sis. I don't need to see you tonguing everyone around me," Charlie snickers with a smile.

Glaring at Charlie, we enter the establishment, and I immediately spot two hulking guys, Kyle wearing dark navy jeans and a ... and Dean wearing tight dark black jeans and ... leaving Tyler's embrace, I rush toward Kyle just like I did when we were at school, leaping Kyle catches me with ease in his arms and spins me around in a circle before sandwiching me between himself and Dean,

"Missed you, sweet cheeks," Kyle whispers in my ear, and now that I'm in their arms, I realize how much I've missed them.

"I've missed you guys, too," I mutter into Kyle's neck.

His grip tightens around me, and Dean moves in closer behind me, and as though they had planned it, they both kiss me on my cheek.

"Come on, you three. We've got a game to play. I'm tolerable of your relationship, but I don't need to see you all being all lovey-dovey on my little sis," Charlie calls.

Lifting my head up, I look over Kyle's shoulder to see Charlie grinning at me, laughter shining in his eyes as he walks past her.

"Wait! What?!" Kyle stammers, staring at me. A mixture of emotions flickers across his face before settling on an open mouth in realization.

"You're in?" Dean states, coming to the same realization Kyle has, swirling behind Kyle to look me in the face.

"Yeah, but can we go slowly? Like really slowly?" I ask, slightly trembling in anticipation. I may be able to face a gun, but having a relationship is a whole new ball game for me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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