I m back?

516 35 27

Hii guys

So i won't say i m officially back but i had a long chat with chanchal and reached to few conclusions so decided to talk with you all about it

First the very most reason i m not being active on wattpad is bcoz wattpad is not allowing it

Like wattpad is not working on Pakistan first it was on and off like sometime it was working sometime it wasn't but now its being constantly on off. From months and its kinda hectic and harming for my phone to use vpn for hours to write a part So that's why parts were so less

Lets move to the second reason my job which is not that big of a issue but there are days i m just too tired

Third is after completing hadsa-e-ishq i was thinking of not continuing writing anymore bcoz of the first reason and the response lets be honest

Not many are there waiting for this story but i was particularly interested in this found family troupe and wanted to write it and i was doing it as well but the updates in months is so not my way and ths plot become too stretched that was planned it's too slow and i really feel like i m just not doing justice to it

But i particularly love the found family concept and you all love to read the marriage concepts i write

But i don't think the pace we are going we will reach the marriage part anytime soon

And no i m not starting  another story for now

I write all this bcoz i thought you guys shouldn't be left waiting

And to know that you guys are there or not like if you are not waiting for my stories i shouldn't write anymore

Give me your honest opinion do you not thinking this book is stretching too much and no I won't delete it but i m just planning to not continue it not for forever you guys know my mind that i can never say never

But still i just wanna know will you guys be there if i decided to come back or not


See you Soon

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