05 prisoners don't have tea parties

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Footsteps hit the metal stairs, causing the three villain kids to look up as well as the daughter of the Mad Hatter. As they draw near, everyone stands up.

"So?" Evie asks as Ben stands beside her. "Where's Mal?" He drops his head in shame. His heart breaking at what the daughter of Maleficent said to him. "She's not coming back."

Tilly's head goes back in shock. "What?" She practically screeches alongside Evie. No one notices the deflated King walking away. No one except Tilly who follows after him. Once she catches up to him, she places a hand on his shoulder.

He jumps and turns to see that it is in fact his friend. His shoulders relax and he feels the sadness overwhelm his senses. Both do not realize that they're prime prey being hunted by a certain son of Hook.

"She's probably not in a good headspace at the moment, Ben. I mean-" She is cut off by a hand placed over her mouth. She is wrapped into a large pair of arms that hold her thrashing body close. "I told ye I'd find ye soon," Harry whispers deeply in her ear. Tilly looks over to see Ben in the same predicament as she, but only with the taller brother from before.

She breathes heavily as she feels his cool fingers trace up her neck. Then pressure ensues and she passes out. With now the daughter of the Mad Hatter and the King of Auradon passed out, both Harry Hook and Gage LeGume drag the Auradon kids back to their ship.


"Guys. Where's Ben and Tilly?" Carlos asks as he looks to his right and doesn't see his companions. "Ben? Tilly?" Evie asks as they see two people approaching them. "Ben!" Jay lifts his arm up and sighs as what seems to be their two friends come closer.

"Ben, Tills, don't scare us like that." Evie scoffs and places her hands on her hips. "Don't scare you? That's my speciality." Harry Hook appears beside Gage LeGume once more, both grin wickedly as they stand before the now good villain kids.

Evie swears her heart drops to her stomach as she thinks of all the wicked things that could happen to Ben and Tilly.


"Gage. What did you do with Ben and Tilly?" Jay snarls and steps forward to the son of Hook. "Oh, uh, we nicked 'em. Mmm-hmm. Yeah, um, and if ye want to see them again have Mal come to the Chip Shoppe tonight. Alone. Uma wants a little visit." No one says anything as the all process his words.

Their friends are now in danger.

"Aw, Jay. Seems like you've lost your touch." Gage grins wickedly. His hatred for the son of Jafar stems back to childhood. Where Jay would tease and torture his brother, Gil. Jay jumps forward and is pulled back by Evie as he lunges for the son of Gaston.

Harry laughs with glee, then turns to Carlos De Vil. Letting out a bark to scare the white haired boy. But it doesn't work. Instead Carlos just looks at Harry as if he is stupid.

Both Harry and Gage turn around, one whistling a tune, and casually strut back to the ship where they keep their prisoners.


The Lost Revenge sways gently as the water of the Isle laps at its sides. Harry Hook giggles as he beats Gil in a match of cards. The son of Gaston groans in defeat and slumps into his seat.

Gage glares at the son of Hook, knowing he cheated. The only thing the pirate's son does is blow his 'friend' a kiss.

"Harry, check on the prisoners." Uma instructs before leaving the ship. Ursula's shop required the sea witch's daughter to be present almost constantly. Which drives her mad.

The first mate jumps up eagerly to see if the King is awake.

He stalks below deck to where the daughter of the Mad Hatter lays staring at the wall. Against his better judgement, he decides to antagonize her instead of the King.

"Lookie here, all tied up and nowhere to go." He snickers as he nears her, causing Tilly Hightopp to look up.

The initial fear settled and now she's just quiet.

What she didn't want happening is now happening. Of course it is, she isn't the daughter of a hero. Just the daughter of a sidekick.

Not that she doesn't love her father. She adores him. But he isn't the Alice. Nor is he the White Queen. He is just the Mad Hatter.

"Aw, seems like you've lost that fire in you. Shame though," Harry leans down to where she sits, running his hook down her gray face. "Cause it was attractive."

Suddenly, Gil runs down the stairs. He grins happily at his fellow crew mate. When he reaches the pair, he instantly frowns.

"What's the matter with her?" This instantly causes Tilly to snap out of her trance. Deciding what better way to save herself, than to act just as crazy as her dad. "What's the hatter with me? What's the hatter with you?" She giggles wildly, causing Harry and Gil to look at her with wide eyes.

"You're the daughter of the Mad Hatter." Harry whispers. Yes, it all makes sense now. The orange hair, the top hat that somehow still sits crookedly on her head, the gray skin, and the yellow eyes.

Tilly grins brightly. A smile that even Cheshire would be jealous of.

"The one and only," She dips her head as if she's bowing.

"I'm terribly sorry, it's just that I would like to know what time it is." She asks sweetly, looking towards both pirates. Gil smiles and taps his friend on the arm, who instantly huffs in annoyance.

"7:30," is all Harry informs her. He and Gil both notice the immediate change in her demeanor. "It's tea time!" She sings loudly. "Now, where do you keep the tea?" Tilly cranes her neck to look at her surroundings, only finding barrels marked 'rum'.

Harry simply scoffs, standing back up. "There is no tea, especially for prisoners." Pretty ones, he would love to mention.

"But it's tea time!" She pouts. Her pink lips push outwards, catching Harry's eye as she looks up at him.

"I think I know where tea is." Gil says helpfully. "Oh, you must fetch it for me! Say, have you ever been to a Wonderland tea party?" Her soft British accent asks gently. Completely forgetting exactly where she is.

Gil simply shakes his head. "Oh, you must attend one of mine. You would simply adore the biscuits."

"Alright, that's enough," Harry growls and pulls the son of Gaston back up by his shirt collar. "Prisoners don't get tea parties."

He walks away from her, heading straight to where Ben is being held captive. Gil looks back to where his friend goes, then back at Tilly. She grins at him and he grins back at her. He gets back on his knees and sits beside her.

"I've never heard of Wonderland. Harry and his sisters told me and Gage their dad's stories about Neverland. What's it like?"

Gil certainly doesn't know what he's signed up for.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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